It’s All Lagniappe

Given my youth (what the ‘rents and sibs never knew didn’t hurt ’em *heh*), I had no expectations of reaching 40, and once I did, I had NO idea what I’d do with the extra years. . . Everything—all the decades since—past then has been a gift.

Then I awoke to the reality: it’s ALL been a gift. All of it. I wake every day knowing I have not deserved or earned the blessing of life I now have. At my current age, paying the physical price of some of my youthful, *urm-cough*, misadventures, mishaps, and outright “oopsies” is a daily thing, but a price well worth paying if only for a cuddle with my Wonder Woman.

It’s 0830 and I’m still waiting, Holy Brew in hand, for my joints to wake up, though I have gotten a wee bit of yard work in anyway. Small price the aches, pains, and [innumerable other] just to be able to sit a few minutes and be blessed by The Holy Brew.

2 Replies to “It’s All Lagniappe”

    1. Yep. The midi file is, too. Midi file uses original harmonies. mp3 file was modded by the performers, because one of them disliked some of the “broken rules” in the original. *heh* (Frankly, I did absolutely nothing to optimize the midi file, so it’s really ham-fisted, but it is, at least, at a tempo more in keeping with what came out from between my ears. *shrugs*)

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