2 Replies to “Taming the Wild Loa”

    1. Removing and reseating the gal’s NIC did the trick. No Voudon taming of the wild loa required. ๐Ÿ™‚

      Buuuut. . . I got a call 2 days later. “I can’t get into Windows. It’s asking for a password, and I don’t have a password!”

      *heh* She’d tried to set up a new email account. She thought. What she really did was change her USER account in Windows. Access her built-in Admin account and fix things from there? Nuh-uh. Disabled. (WTF?!? Wasn’t before!)

      *meh* There are several easy ways around that–reset UN/PW via registry stuff from the command line after a boot from a compatible system/OS installation disk, crack the passwords or simply blank the passwords. I blanked things, reset user accounts from the Admin account and Bob’s your uncle. Easy-peasy, lemon-squeesy, but waaaaayyyy beyond this user. I’ll keep an eye on this situation, but unless some serious mental cogs are slipping, this should put things on track for a while.

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