The Joys of Life

When the top two “joys of life” are good bowel movements and a solid night’s sleep. . . I just don’t know how to even describe what that means.

Well, at least I have good bowel movements.



When DidGeorge III Actually Go “Round the Bend?

Apropos of nothing in particular apart from a wandering mind, I have long wondered if England’s Regency Period should not have started MUCH earlier, given the acknolegement of Georgie Porgie’s mental instabilities, which could have had a hand in him losing the American colonies. . . That he was whacko by the time of the Constitutional Convention, there is no doubt, but did his cray-cray start earlier? Maaaayyyyybe. . .

(Yeh, I think maybe he was the very model for CwaZy (pervy, racist) UnKa JoE, ZOMBIE POOPY-PANTS President in Name Only’s “reign” in the Oval Orifice, hence the last four years of a “long train of abuses”?)

Leveling Up

I have Leveled Up several times in the “Achey-Breaky Body” game. I have dislocated a knee rolling over in bed and dislocated a hip by just laying there, unmoving.

And then there are those “rough patches” of clear, smooth, open floor. . . Dangerous when barefoot or in shoes that give good traction, ya know. Socks or smooth-soled slippers, dude. Less likely to trip over a stray cat hair.

And lest you think it’s all age-related, nope. Pretty much been this way my whole life, with the rare decade of well-coordinated, healthy, fit body wedged in.

Of course now, what with New Guy puppy* and all that, it’s fun working downfield past a VERY active Defensive Tackle; it’s challenging. . . *heh* (I dunno why he’s working so hard to take me down when he has rung his Doggy Door Bell to go out, but I guess that’s the game, eh? *heh*)

*At least, as a puppy, he needs about as much sleep as he does activity, so I do get a little bye on heading “downfield,” at times. 😉

It’s Not Unusual (Not the Tom Jones Version)

Just see if you can spot the “Odds” in history. Let me get you started. One of the most famous Odds in all of history was Moses, who described himself as “a stranger in a strange land”—an experience that most Odds find hauntingly familiar. Norms, OTOH, just look around (if that—experiences of actually LOOKING are usually reserved for high-functioning Norms) and see The Ordinary, even “everyday miracles” as. . . ordinary. . . )

“Once is happenstance. . . “

“. . . twice is coincidence; three times is enemy action.”

By that metric, the many thousands of times government at all levels, but especially at the federal level, attacks common citizens for no legitimate reason whatsoever says government is our enemy.

Every time I see “news” about a new federal government prosecution of anyone I have to first stop and wonder if it is legitimate, because the federal government is itself arguably in the top three largest criminal conspiracies on the planet, and the INjustice Department has a (not always recent) history weighted more and more on the side of illegitimate persecutions of common folks while at the same time letting those who violate the rights of others slide. It is the direct action arm of anarcho-tyranny.

But what can ya do? They give their agents of oppression guns and badges and immunity from almost all prosecution. What to do? Take cover. Keep your head on a swivel, and duck when you see them coming. Resistance—even if it’s just passively minding your own business—can get you (and your family and your puppy and. . . ) killed and your house burned to the ground. Ask Vicky Weaver. Oh, wait. You can’t because Lon Horiuchi murdered her (while she was holding a weapon—her baby). And Lon? Oh, he got to participate in the government’s mass murder of children at Waco for a reward.

Remember: Three Felonies a Day: How the Feds target the Innocent

Celebrate Membership in the “World of Odd”

I grew up as an Odd in a family of high-functioning Norms. There was generally about one chance in ten that things that struck me as hilarious would elicit as much as a chickle from my sibs. In their kindest moments, I was the recipient of the iconic “calf-at-a-new-gate” looks from them.

And so even today, I get my own laughs primarily from observing Norms. Primarily pity laughs, but I do find Norms amusing from time to time.

(Yeh, DSM-IV, the latest perversion of the DSM, was written to reclassify my norm, as for most Odds, from “eccentricity” to “disability” when it really just reveals the disabilities of Norms to view reality through a different lens.)

Handy Tip

You know how you can tell a so-called “conspiracy theorist” is “carrying concealed,” don’t you? Yeh, you cannot see their weapon, therefore it is concealed, right? *heh*


Random Observation

Rap “music” is the result of throwing Hip Hop into a BlentTec blender along with a soupçon of raw sewage and a “whole buncha lotta” Premium Stupid®.

That is all. For now.

ISO. . .

Hmmm. . . ISO 1950s vintage IH pickup with Ford F-Series W6695 paint job to re-badge as a Tonka Truck. . . *heh* ??

Ooooo! Wait! Maybe Line-X has a Tonka Yellow-compatible color!