First Time

Tuesday will be the first time since I began voting that I will vote a straight party ticket. No exceptions. Oh, there is one local candidate who’s a Democrat who is OK. He’s done as good a job as anyone else in living memory in the Sheriff’s position (which is somewhere between so-so and “not quite corrupt enough to catch out”–about par for the Sheriff’s job around here from time immemorial, I’m told *sigh*). But this year, quite apart from a late-blooming appreciation for the few points where the Republican presidential candidate does truly shine (and a grudging acknowledgement that he’s mostly all right on more than a few points), my only criterion for voting for any other candidates are that they NOT be Democrats.

It’s my own small way of voting a “punishment” vote on the general Dhimmicrappic agenda. I DGARA if any of the other Republican candidates are genuine Republicans or just country club wanna-be elite Repugnican’ts. I can deal with either of those (although genuine republicans aren’t genuinely conservative enough for me, for the most part), but I will not now, or ever, vote again for a Dhimmicrap, unless the party is utterly broken and remade with genuinely liberal principles the Founders (who sought to CONSERVE, in the sense of Burke’s conservatism, the more liberal traditions of expanding liberty protected by government that had become a British tradition from the Magna Carta onward) espoused.

Just call me a one-issue voter this election. That issue is, “Is the candidate or ballot proposition a Democratic one? If so, consign him/it to the eighth level of hell.”


2 Replies to “First Time”

  1. I have done that. My deviation this year is going to have to be the Akin-McCaskill race. I just can’t bring myself to vote for either of those criminally stupid, dangerous numbskulls. I realize that is likely a default vote for McCaskill, but I just can’t do it. I may write in Cthulhu.

    1. Nicole, I ask you to reconsider the Akin/McCaskill decision. While Akin may be criminally stupid, I have far fewer objections to stupid people in office than to slick, accomplished criminals in office. I actively hate McCaskill. IMO, She’s a vicious, hate-filled, lying, rotten political whore who has actively worked to harm Missourians (while actively working to benefit her own short-term interests and those of her cronies in ways that directly impact her putative constituents negatively). Akin’s just a stupid shithead, which makes him an order of magnitude better than MCCaskill (and not much worse than most other congresscritters). While it’s not directly applicable, Bill Whittle has a commentary on principled protest votes:

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