Barry Hussein Obama-Winfrey and the Oh So Wrong Rev. Wright

(I hated putting that “Rev.” next to the debil Jeremiah Wright’s name, I did… )

Visiting with Hugh Hewitt the other day, Mark Steyn pegged the Obama-Wright issue to the wall:

Jeremiah Wright, to his credit, has more integrity than Barack Obama. He says sure, sure I said God damn America, and sure I talked about the AIDS conspiracy, and sure I went to see Colonel Qaddafi. I’m not ashamed about it. You want me to tell you more about that? I’ll do you another forty minute riff on it. In his own perverse way, he has a kind of integrity. The man who doesn’t is the man who spent twenty years in this man’s company, and now claims to be stunned, stunned that he didn’t know this guy at all.

Oh, Bomama, that’s gonna leave a mark!


One Reply to “Barry Hussein Obama-Winfrey and the Oh So Wrong Rev. Wright”

  1. The key word missing is politician; Obama is a politician and the old saying holds, “How do you know when a politician is telling a lie, his lips are moving”.

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