THE Cure for “Global Warming” Supposedly Caused by Human CO2 Emissions

It’s simple, really. If it is really the problem believers in Anthropogenic Global Warming insist it is, and IF they are sincere in their alarm, then they can easily reduce CO2 greenhouse emissions by one simple step: stop exhaling.

That ought to cut off a lot of hot air.

This solution to a vexing world problem has been brought to you by the world class research group (me, myself and I) of third world county central.

Donations to support our think tank gratefully accepted.

Trackposted to Right Truth, The World According to Carl, The Pink Flamingo, Big Dog’s Weblog, Cao’s Blog, The Amboy Times, Democrat=Socialist, and Stageleft, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

4 Replies to “THE Cure for “Global Warming” Supposedly Caused by Human CO2 Emissions”

  1. Davido, This may be completely “off subject” BUT: Any minute respect I’ve ever had for Newt has now TOTALLY evaporated!

    Don’t care whether it’s referred to as “Global Warming” or “Climate Change” . . . . when Newt parks his professorial BUTT on a park bench next to Nancy Reid & claims that as “House Speakers” they “AGREE” that “we the people” need to do something about “climate change,” it proves that repugnants think of us as the same stupid dunces that the dims think of us!

    I found it difficult to believe that Newt could/would be so stupid as to release that as a national TV ad. NO support now NOR ever for Newt again!

  2. Hugh,

    “Offtopic”? Why in the world would I expect otherwise? *LOL*

    *sigh* Yeh, I’m leaning that way. He’s wrong on this, wrong on border control and immigration, and flat-out wrong to think we can accomodate those who would destroy Western Civilization… and Islamics, too. *heh*

    Maybe we might consider giving him a break if he can reverse himself–with cear acknowledgement of wrongdoing *heh*–and evidence true repentence.

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