Dirty Tricks

Mickey Kantor: Not Guilty.

That’s the considered opinion of our experts (me, myself and I) here at twc central. The fact that the Clintoonistas are among the most accomplished dirty politicians of all time doesn’t excuse the YouTube fakery that had Mickey Kantor, a Clintoonista operative in 1992, calling Indianans “white n*****s”. twc central finds Mickey Kantor Not Guilty and says “Fie on you, you dirty bugger!” to the creep who faked the video/transcription *heh* (no link provided–you can find the thing on your own if you’re so inclined).

Throw all the Clintoonistas in the fires of the hell of their own making, if you want, but don’t make false accusations against them, because it only lowers those who do to the Clintoonistas’ level.

Trackposted to Pooh Flinging NeoCons, Diary of the Mad Pigeon, Rosemary’s Thoughts, Allie is Wired, Woman Honor Thyself, and The World According to Carl, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

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