Re-run: Against the Fall of Night

[This is both a linkfest and a re-run of a post from 02-16-06. I am reposting it because of a trend I have long noted: every negative comment I have recieved when I have posted anything anti-Islamic or anti-illegal alien has been from folks who have apparently determined that their best chance for success in life is to beat themselves over the heads enough times that, regardless where they started out on the Bell Curve, they end up firmly fixed on the lower lefthand side… ]

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Some will recognize the title of this post as the title of a book by Arthur C. Clarke written in 1948 in a serialized version–IIRC–and issued in one volume in 1953. And those who recognize both the title and the book will immediately recognize the meme and fill in the gaps of this post rather readily, even though this post will address only one of many issues that would fit with that meme.

Those who have never read the story, will simply not “get” this post quite so fully (which, now that I’ve mentioned it, makes that lack of a shared meme a meta-comment in itself… )

That’s just one of many values of shared memes: the ability to invoke a broad concept and trust that the reader or hearer will have a fuller understanding of what’s going on than the plain text of the article or story in which the meme is embedded says.

Continue reading “Re-run: Against the Fall of Night”

Fast, easy semi-soft tacos

This one’s a piece of cake, as it were: a simple, no-recipe recipe for semi-fast food.


Corn tortillas
Your fav taco sauce, hot sauce or salsa
Shredded cheese (I prefer a jack cheese/cheddar combo)
Refried beans, cooked ground beef, whatever.


Use a toaster oven. Oh, you can do this on a rack in your regular oven set on “broil” but why?

Place however many tortillas will fit (or however many you want to eat) on the toaster oven rack with refried beans or cooked ground beef on top.
Grate onion on top (that’s right, I said “grate”–you’ll get finer pieces and lotsa onion juice)
Add your fav salsa, taco sauce, or hot sauce
Set to toast.

You’ll need to play with your toast settings to get things just right–toaster ovens (or any ovens) vary here. If you want “tostada”-like flat tacos, more toasting. If you want semi-soft, foldable tacos, less toasting.

Garnish with some shredded lettuce or whatever and chomp away.

Stop the ACLU

Lawyers representing a Massachusetts school district named as a defendant in a parent’s civil rights complaint have said teachers at Estabrook Elementary School have a “legitimate state interest” in teaching the homosexual lifestyle, and parents have no input into those decisions.

“…of the people, by the people and for the people”, taxpayers, aka parents “have no input into those decisions.” The “State” no longer serves the people, the people serve the “State”.

“A nation, as a society, forms a moral person, and every member of it is personally responsible for his society.”
– Thomas Jefferson, Founding Father and third U.S. president (1743-1826), in a letter to George Hammond, 1792

Continue reading “Stop the ACLU”

Tech Support/Weekend OTA

Yep: Friday, Saturday, Sunday Linkfest. You know the drill. More below the example of some folks’ tech support needs… (via my Wonder Woman’s email)

Oh, well. A service call’s a service call.

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T-13, 1.17: 13 Reasons to Upgrade

Thirteen Reasons to Upgrade Your Computer

1. You are tired of typing TRS-DOS commands.

2. All your snazzy 5.25″ disks are beginning to wear out.

3. Getting tired of the 64K memory limits

4. You’ve heard that monitors can now produce more colors than black and green.

5. What’s this about “KROZ”? Is it more fun than Zork?

6. SOUND!!!

7. The 9-pin dot-matrix printer you hacked to work with your TRS-80 is down to 6 working pins

8. The monitor has severe screen burn-in from playing too many games of Pong.

9. You want to use your computer to do your taxes, but TurboTax doesn’t come on a 5.25″ floppy, and anyway, it won’t import your accounting info from your Visicalc spreadsheets.

10. Internet? That sounds cool…

11. Blogging. Heard about that, but thought there was a vaccine for that stuff. Anyway, not doing it on your Trash-80.

12. Been using your old CoCo to store your family photo albums (stacked on top) but have heard there’s a better way to use a computer for storing family photos.

13. Mice and computers go together? Who’da thunk it?

Noted at the Thursday Thirteen Hub.

Is Islam Evil? (repeat post)

Well, in a word, yes.

Read here, here and here for a start.

Or how about here, here and here.

Despite lying defenses by soi-disant “moderate” muslims, politicians *spit* and Mass Media Podpeople, Academia Nut Fruitcakes and all their partners in crime, the simple fact is that Muslims who engage in mass miurder, slavery, female mutilation and the murder of rape victims are well within the norms of the life and teachings of The Butcher of Medina. Muslims who fail to condemn, work to erradicate or even actively support those who genuinely and openly follow the true teachings of Mohammed (he who is the progenitor and prototype of all Islamic terrorism) are just as guilty of being “true Muslims” as the open practitioners of Mohammed’s example themselves.

There can be no true follower of Mohammed who is unwilling to follow Mohammed’s clear example and lie, cheat, steal, murder, torture and enslave others to further the sick cult of Mohammed.

Contrast that with followers of Jesus of Nazareth, He who condemned lying, cheating and stealing; who insisted that hating someone was as bad as killing them, condemned slander and praised doing good to one’s enemies.

It’s simple: monsters who claim to be following the founder of Islam are telling the truth. Monsters who claim to be following the founder of Christianity are liars.

It’s just that simple. Regardless of the monsters, for example, who falsely claimed to be Christian yet tortured and killed those whose theology differed from theirs in the Inquisition, their claim of following Christ in doing so is revealed as a lie by the very words and deeds of the Man whom they claimed to be following.

In contrast, the monsters who, even today, claim to be Muslim who torture, kill, enslave and brutalize those who differ with their cult are doing so in direct discipleship of the one who founded their religion.

Yes, Islam is evil. So-called “moderate” Muslims are either self-decieved or lying to everyone else. Any other conclusion is unsupportable by facts.

In closing, a little of the respect due the Butcher of Medina:

This has been a repeat flogging of the Cult of Evil trackposted to The Virtuous Republic, Perri Nelson’s Website, stikNstein… has no mercy, basil’s blog, Blue Star Chronicles, Stuck On Stupid, The Pink Flamingo, The Bullwinkle Blog, Cao’s Blog, Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker, Conservative Cat, Random Dream, Pursuing Holiness, Right Voices, and Gone Hollywood, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Happy Valentine’s Day/Wednesday OTA

I may or may not get anything else blogged today. *sigh* So, fill this up with some lovely reading, please.

And have a happy Valentine’s Day. Here, CLICK on the graphic below to enlarge it, print it out and color it for your Valentine:

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Listing to Starboard III

Oh, yeh: I’m lazy. So this is also a linkfest. More below the roundup.


Leaning juuuust a tad to the right…

First, a post that had a mangled trackback link last weekend but is really worth reading: Andrea Graham’s Roots in Frozen Generation at The Lost Genre Guild. Some interesting reading over there.

Just a reminder: Theodore Roosevelt on Immigrants., or, as Newt Gingrich wrote recently, Time to Put English First.

Michelle Malkin puts a =30= on the Amanda Marcotte brouhaha. And if you missed last week’s “When Angry German Boy met Angry Edwards’ Blogger”, here’s your chance to remedy that miss of The Hit of the Week.

But then, as Dean Barnett notes at Hugh Hewitt’s blog, The Girl [Marcotte] Can’t Help Herself!. It’d all be hilarious if the continuing examples of psychopathic disorders weren’t so blatant in Marcotte’s writing.

Alexandra’s re-issue of an article from last year, “Restoring Humility To Our National Psyche In The Face Of Nihilism” is a provocative read. My $0.02: true humility is looking at oneself honestly, not as any better OR worse than in reality.

A reminder from Big Lizards that it wasn’t human-caused global warming that killed off the dinosaurs… (lil editorial license in the characterization *heh*)

Jerry Pournelle’s comment on the same material is on target:

…a theory with evidence casting doubt on the “Global warming is due to human activity” hypothesis can’t find any journal to publish it, even though the theorist has impeccable credentials. Are we astonished? I certainly am not. This is the kind of thing that set Michael Crichton off. And it’s not science, just what a lot of scientists do…

And see the comment by Czech President Vaclav Klaus noted at Chaos Manor. (Page down quite a way–though Harry Erwin’s Letter From Emgland is worth a read, too.)

Started hunting around yesterday when I noticed (yeh, I guess I should check more often) that the TTLB Ecosystem has apparently not changed since about the first week of January. Maybe this is why. Yep. N.Z. Bear’s in the thick of The Victory Caucus.

The Board is currently kicking off the first of many discussions on our group blog, taking on the most fundamental question of all: how do we define victory?

I hope you will visit the site and join us in sending a message to our leaders, our troops, and the world that America will not flinch from the fight, and that we will not settle for anything less than victory.

Meanwhile, as N.Z. is occupied elsewhere, twc is retaining its ridiculous ranking in the TTLB Ecosystem game. Silly, just silly.

Poor Hildebeast! 😉

Well, that’s all the time I can give this lil roundup on a bleak midwinter’s morning. Be sure to track in with my reading list for this evening!

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Trackposted to The Pink Flamingo, Planck’s Constant, Perri Nelson’s Website, Dumb Ox Daily News, Big Dog’s Weblog, and basil’s blog, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Guard the Borders

By Heidi Thiess

We are still closely watching the Border Patrol case, especially after last week’s explosive news that the DHS had lied to Congressmen who were looking into the case. Close on the heels of that shocking revelation, we noted that US Attorney Johnny Sutton, the prosecutor in this case, has lied openly and repeatedly about this case to the media. In an effort to counter Sutton’s lies, here is one of his favorite public statements about Border Patrol agents Ramos and Compean deconstructed:

Continue reading “Guard the Borders”

Where is Charles Martel When We Need Him?

Hit me with your best shot. This is also a linkfest. More below the post body.

Muslims like throwing the Crusades around, egging on the self-haters in civilized countries with cries alleging horror at the hands of Western invaders of peaceful Muslim lands. Pardon me while I throw the bullshit flag.

In the early 600s A.D., Mohammed concocted his snake oil about an allah’ that would serve his purpose: specifically, advancing the cause of Mohammed and providing a means for him to legitimize his rapacious grab for wealth and power.

Keep that firmly fixed i n your minds: Islam is one man’s con game writ large. From his very first celebrated victory at what is now known as Medina, no matter what one line in the Koran says about the peaceful spread of Islam*, the history of Islam has been dominated by brutality, lies, mass murder and oppression.

Muslims like to throw the eleventh and twelfth century crusades in the West’s face as proof of the West’s evil. What then the answer to the vicious rapine of innocents committed in the name of Mohammed’s construct, “Allah”, for three or four centuries before that time, beginning with Mohammed’s own very first “victory”–the beseigement, betrayal of a negotiation of surrender, mass murder, rape and enslavement of the Jews of Medina? (An act of mass murder, rape and slavery celebrated now by all “good” Muslims as a holy event.)

And so it went. Upon Mohammed’s death, Islam continued to follow the pattern he set down: give lip service to “peace” while spreading the “faith” by the sword. And so, in 732, the army of the Umayyad Caliphate, under the leadership of Abd-er Rahman, had swept all opposition before it in its march through France.

Until the Battle of Tours and its opposition by a much smaller force led by Charles Martel. There and then, under the leadership of the grandfather of Charlemagne, the invasion of the West by Islam was stopped cold.

But even at that, we can see the one constant thread of Islam from the day of its “prophet” until now has been: actions speak louder than words, and despite Islam’s claim to be a religion of peace, the truth–born out by faithful Muslims’ adherence to the true acts of their “prophet”–has been that Islam is a cult of violence, deciet, theft, rape, slavery and death, and it has never strayed far from its true nature. Those who are honest Muslims today are all Islamic terrorists and terrorist supporters, because terrorists are the true disciples of the Butcher of Medina.

Where is our Charles Martel when we need him? For that matter, where is a modern-day Jan Sobieski?

Never forget that from the first lying promise by Mohammed that he would accept an honorable surrender by the Jews of Medina, followed by their slaughter, that Islam has viewed itself as at war with everyone not Muslim. In fact, the generic term for everyone outside the Muslim world is “dar-a-harb” or “house of war”. And all the lies by CAIR and Islamic apologists today that Islam is a peaceful religion are colored by Mohammed’s own words that war is deception, and his permission to lie whenever necessary to protect the cause of Islam.

Lies, brutality, violence, slavery, oppression, death: all normative results of an Islamic society. Because they are the normative results of following a liar who perpetrated violence to spread his con game, enslaved whomever he wished (whenever he could) when opposed (or had them killed) and stole whatever he wanted from the plunder.

So, just a lil heads up: whenever you see a Western leader holding hands with a Saudi “prince” or hear some politician *spit*, Mass Media Podperson or Academia Nut Fruitcake or other Islamic apologist espousing a live-and-let-live or even appeasement approach to Islamic terrorism, just remember that anyone who celebrates Mohammed’s brutal mass murder, sack and enslavement of the Quraiza (and indeed all other Jewish tribes of the Arabian penninsula who would not bow to his false god–meaning bow to Mohammed) is either a terrorist or terrorist enabler, in other words, a Muslim.

*Sura 2: 257–“There must be no coercion in matters of faith.” An injunction which is revealed by Mohammed’s own life to be a lie.

Note: is seems Angel’s latest post didn’t trackback as it ought to have done. A shame, cos when I saw it, the first photo reminded me that low culture is apparently about to invade America’s Third World County. Yep. The Mouse has bought a HUGE tract of land in southwest third world county. *sigh*

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Trackposted to Is It Just Me?, The Virtuous Republic, Random Dreamer, Perri Nelson’s Website, Mark My Words, Big Dog’s Weblog, Maggie’s Notebook, basil’s blog, DragonLady’s World, Cao’s Blog, The Bullwinkle Blog, Conservative Cat, Faultline USA, stikNstein… has no mercy, Blue Star Chronicles, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker, Right Voices, and Gone Hollywood, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.