Oh, yeh: I’m lazy. So this is also a linkfest. More below the roundup.

Leaning juuuust a tad to the right…
First, a post that had a mangled trackback link last weekend but is really worth reading: Andrea Graham’s Roots in Frozen Generation at The Lost Genre Guild. Some interesting reading over there.
Just a reminder: Theodore Roosevelt on Immigrants., or, as Newt Gingrich wrote recently, Time to Put English First.
Michelle Malkin puts a =30= on the Amanda Marcotte brouhaha. And if you missed last week’s “When Angry German Boy met Angry Edwards’ Blogger”, here’s your chance to remedy that miss of The Hit of the Week.
But then, as Dean Barnett notes at Hugh Hewitt’s blog, The Girl [Marcotte] Can’t Help Herself!. It’d all be hilarious if the continuing examples of psychopathic disorders weren’t so blatant in Marcotte’s writing.
Alexandra’s re-issue of an article from last year, “Restoring Humility To Our National Psyche In The Face Of Nihilism” is a provocative read. My $0.02: true humility is looking at oneself honestly, not as any better OR worse than in reality.
A reminder from Big Lizards that it wasn’t human-caused global warming that killed off the dinosaurs… (lil editorial license in the characterization *heh*)
Jerry Pournelle’s comment on the same material is on target:
…a theory with evidence casting doubt on the “Global warming is due to human activity” hypothesis can’t find any journal to publish it, even though the theorist has impeccable credentials. Are we astonished? I certainly am not. This is the kind of thing that set Michael Crichton off. And it’s not science, just what a lot of scientists do…
And see the comment by Czech President Vaclav Klaus noted at Chaos Manor. (Page down quite a way–though Harry Erwin’s Letter From Emgland is worth a read, too.)
Started hunting around yesterday when I noticed (yeh, I guess I should check more often) that the TTLB Ecosystem has apparently not changed since about the first week of January. Maybe this is why. Yep. N.Z. Bear’s in the thick of The Victory Caucus.
The Board is currently kicking off the first of many discussions on our group blog, taking on the most fundamental question of all: how do we define victory?
I hope you will visit the site and join us in sending a message to our leaders, our troops, and the world that America will not flinch from the fight, and that we will not settle for anything less than victory.
Meanwhile, as N.Z. is occupied elsewhere, twc is retaining its ridiculous ranking in the TTLB Ecosystem game. Silly, just silly.
Poor Hildebeast! π
Well, that’s all the time I can give this lil roundup on a bleak midwinter’s morning. Be sure to track in with my reading list for this evening!
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Trackposted to The Pink Flamingo, Planck’s Constant, Perri Nelson’s Website, Dumb Ox Daily News, Big Dog’s Weblog, and basil’s blog, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.
Victory is never having to say you’re sorry. Oh wait a minute, that might be love according to Erich Segal. Hmmmmmm
Whoa! Somebody followed some links!
Maybe victory also means getting to say, “Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time!” to whatever lil buggers are needing a defeat… *heh*
(With a few new nuclear power plants and some rational oil production of our own, we could be saying that to the Saudis and all the other lil funders of Islamic terrorists in a few years’ time… )