Hit me with your best shot. This is also a linkfest. More below the post body.
Muslims like throwing the Crusades around, egging on the self-haters in civilized countries with cries alleging horror at the hands of Western invaders of peaceful Muslim lands. Pardon me while I throw the bullshit flag.
In the early 600s A.D., Mohammed concocted his snake oil about an allah’ that would serve his purpose: specifically, advancing the cause of Mohammed and providing a means for him to legitimize his rapacious grab for wealth and power.
Keep that firmly fixed i n your minds: Islam is one man’s con game writ large. From his very first celebrated victory at what is now known as Medina, no matter what one line in the Koran says about the peaceful spread of Islam*, the history of Islam has been dominated by brutality, lies, mass murder and oppression.
Muslims like to throw the eleventh and twelfth century crusades in the West’s face as proof of the West’s evil. What then the answer to the vicious rapine of innocents committed in the name of Mohammed’s construct, “Allah”, for three or four centuries before that time, beginning with Mohammed’s own very first “victory”–the beseigement, betrayal of a negotiation of surrender, mass murder, rape and enslavement of the Jews of Medina? (An act of mass murder, rape and slavery celebrated now by all “good” Muslims as a holy event.)
And so it went. Upon Mohammed’s death, Islam continued to follow the pattern he set down: give lip service to “peace” while spreading the “faith” by the sword. And so, in 732, the army of the Umayyad Caliphate, under the leadership of Abd-er Rahman, had swept all opposition before it in its march through France.
Until the Battle of Tours and its opposition by a much smaller force led by Charles Martel. There and then, under the leadership of the grandfather of Charlemagne, the invasion of the West by Islam was stopped cold.
But even at that, we can see the one constant thread of Islam from the day of its “prophet” until now has been: actions speak louder than words, and despite Islam’s claim to be a religion of peace, the truth–born out by faithful Muslims’ adherence to the true acts of their “prophet”–has been that Islam is a cult of violence, deciet, theft, rape, slavery and death, and it has never strayed far from its true nature. Those who are honest Muslims today are all Islamic terrorists and terrorist supporters, because terrorists are the true disciples of the Butcher of Medina.
Where is our Charles Martel when we need him? For that matter, where is a modern-day Jan Sobieski?
Never forget that from the first lying promise by Mohammed that he would accept an honorable surrender by the Jews of Medina, followed by their slaughter, that Islam has viewed itself as at war with everyone not Muslim. In fact, the generic term for everyone outside the Muslim world is “dar-a-harb” or “house of war”. And all the lies by CAIR and Islamic apologists today that Islam is a peaceful religion are colored by Mohammed’s own words that war is deception, and his permission to lie whenever necessary to protect the cause of Islam.
Lies, brutality, violence, slavery, oppression, death: all normative results of an Islamic society. Because they are the normative results of following a liar who perpetrated violence to spread his con game, enslaved whomever he wished (whenever he could) when opposed (or had them killed) and stole whatever he wanted from the plunder.
So, just a lil heads up: whenever you see a Western leader holding hands with a Saudi “prince” or hear some politician *spit*, Mass Media Podperson or Academia Nut Fruitcake or other Islamic apologist espousing a live-and-let-live or even appeasement approach to Islamic terrorism, just remember that anyone who celebrates Mohammed’s brutal mass murder, sack and enslavement of the Quraiza (and indeed all other Jewish tribes of the Arabian penninsula who would not bow to his false god–meaning bow to Mohammed) is either a terrorist or terrorist enabler, in other words, a Muslim.
*Sura 2: 257–“There must be no coercion in matters of faith.” An injunction which is revealed by Mohammed’s own life to be a lie.
Note: is seems Angel’s latest post didn’t trackback as it ought to have done. A shame, cos when I saw it, the first photo reminded me that low culture is apparently about to invade America’s Third World County. Yep. The Mouse has bought a HUGE tract of land in southwest third world county. *sigh*
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Trackposted to Is It Just Me?, The Virtuous Republic, Random Dreamer, Perri Nelson’s Website, Mark My Words, Big Dog’s Weblog, Maggie’s Notebook, basil’s blog, DragonLady’s World, Cao’s Blog, The Bullwinkle Blog, Conservative Cat, Faultline USA, stikNstein… has no mercy, Blue Star Chronicles, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker, Right Voices, and Gone Hollywood, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.
Now, sooner or later (later, if past experience is any guide) some slope-headed Muslim dope or two or three may well find this post and respond with another subliterate (in language, historical/theological ignorance and/or disability to reason) spew, as some former posts on The Butcher of Medina have also recieved.
I hope so. Every response by a Muslim I have yet recieved to a post of mine has added a data point to my assertion (not made above, but made elsewhere) that Islamic society is an intellectual (and moral) desert, with a very few watering holes where any sort of literate reasoning ability may be found.
And that’s not that amazing, since the literacy rate–for bare, minimum literacy–in Islamic societies is barely–if any–better today than it was fifteen centuries ago.
Of course, if the multi-cultis and other nutcases in politics, schools of education, etc., have their way, the West won’t have far to go to reach the sub- and illiteracy levels that are the norm in Islamic cultures.
Did you get my tb ping?
aw..ty for adding the link..that was kind o ya!