Merit Should Be the ONLY Standard

College admissions.

Group That Pushed SCOTUS To End Affirmative Action ‘Gravely Concerned’ Elite Colleges Aren’t Complying With Ruling

Self-anointed “elites” are above the law, don’t you know? After all, the Constitution only applies if they agree with it. Otherwise, it’s just dead words, you know? #gagamaggot

Yeh, 14th Amendment guarantees of equal protection under the law are apparently not recognized by “elite” universities that are nevertheless quite willing to accept federal funds to continue to thumb their collective noses at the Constitution.

There is NOTHING—absolutely NOTHING—good, ethical, virtuous, or societally healthy about “affirmative action.”

OTOH, while not necessarily unlawful, the “good old boy”/nepotistic admissions network is also repugnant. I recall the day when my mom, who was working in the high school supervisors’ offices (large district; half a million pop at the time) came home with an offer from one of the supervisors to gain me admission to an Ivy League school, complete with scholarship aid. I found it. . . distasteful that he would pull strings to get me “in.”

Glad I rejected the offer.