“Tales of When Amazon Goes Wrong. . . and Almost Makes It Right”

Soooo. . . Tales of when Amazon goes wrong. . . and almost makes it right: Product ordered. Delivery date comes. . . and goes. More than a week past initially noted delivery date, product comes. Order says battery and charger included. Nope. After some. . . time and firmly expressed displeasure, refund made. Oh, wait! Amazon doesn’t want the product back? Yeh, shipping & handling, etc., eat up too much? Maybe want to assuage dissatisfaction? Maybe, but it’s Amazon, so who knows? If that’s the goal, it doesn’t work, though, because the “refund” is just about right to just buy battery and charger from manufacturer. Meanwhile, search out order for battery (make that “batteries”) and charger, place order, wait. Wait some more. FINALLY, maybe a month after initial order, can use the product. Probably. Did refunding the purchase price (w/o the tax, BTW) actually make me whole? Not when counting my time wasted, which is never a consideration for people who just DGARA about their customers.


Well, Good

Son&Heir’s dog’s skin condition has almost entirely cleared up, so now it’s easier to collect that wonderful skin conditioner: Lab oil. *heh*

Of course, that’s just one issue the vet says is associated with canine lymphoma, but since it’s clearing up so nicely with treatment, and lymph glands are greatly reduced/reducing in size (were swollen to a painful degree), this is probably an “indolent lymphoma” (follicular lymphoma, perhaps?) —much more slowly acting than was first thought. At least his quality of life is at his old normal level: lots of energy, appetite, and. . . attitude (Good Dog 🙂 )

Have to see how the course of the disease and treatments go, but for a 9, almost 10, year old medium sized dog, he is at least able to act younger than his age, and may well meet expectations for a healthy lifespan for his size/breed.

Let hope be not dismayed.

INjustice, Thy Name is. . . Federal

Too many laws. Most of the laws on the fedgov’s books should be completely scrapped, metaphorically “nuked from orbit.” If they are truly necessary AND PROPER (undeniably completely within strict constitutional bounds), then re-pass them with the limitation that ONLY what is in the black letter of the bill is enforceable and the entire law must be strictly enforced on ALL inhabitants of the country, no exceptions or “immunities.” Period. What we have now is a complete, total, and absolute perversion of “equality before the law.”