“Tales of When Amazon Goes Wrong. . . and Almost Makes It Right”

Soooo. . . Tales of when Amazon goes wrong. . . and almost makes it right: Product ordered. Delivery date comes. . . and goes. More than a week past initially noted delivery date, product comes. Order says battery and charger included. Nope. After some. . . time and firmly expressed displeasure, refund made. Oh, wait! Amazon doesn’t want the product back? Yeh, shipping & handling, etc., eat up too much? Maybe want to assuage dissatisfaction? Maybe, but it’s Amazon, so who knows? If that’s the goal, it doesn’t work, though, because the “refund” is just about right to just buy battery and charger from manufacturer. Meanwhile, search out order for battery (make that “batteries”) and charger, place order, wait. Wait some more. FINALLY, maybe a month after initial order, can use the product. Probably. Did refunding the purchase price (w/o the tax, BTW) actually make me whole? Not when counting my time wasted, which is never a consideration for people who just DGARA about their customers.
