Setting Up a New Phone

Not one of my favorite things.

My Wonder Woman bought me a new phone because [don’t ask *heh*]. Good Sharkey! The thing is more like a “phablet” than it is like a phone! Heck, reading a book in the Amazon Android Kindle app is nearly as slick and easy as reading one on my lil Paperwhite. The total screen real estate is not all that far off between them. *smh*

But still, how many times in one day does a brand new phone need to update the OS and apps? And what is with all the crapware? And though importation of my contacts went smoothly, I apparently have to reconstruct my filters. Maybe it’s time to look into a whitelist/blacklist app…

Student Debt?

Just a thought: Anyone with a degree and unpaid student loans should have their degrees rescinded. After all, if you refuse to make car or mortgage payments, you can lose your car or house, which is fair: unpaid debts are theft, and yeh, I’d say the same for debts unpaid after bankruptcy. Need to bring back indentured servitude to repay the debt.

Oh, and servants indentured for unpaid debts should probably be restricted to bread and water, and burlao clothing and bare feet for “off-duty” wear (assuming “on duty” wear suitable for assigned duties). Dog houses should be sufficient to keep ’em warm and dry.

The lesson? Do not assume debt you are unwilling or unable to repay. Living beyond one’s means is a good way to place onself on the horns of a dilemma: to be or not to be a thief.