Another Lil Bit of Tightwaddery — “Cross-scaling” Tossables

You’ve seen “upscaling” DIY projects. Imagine this as cross-scaling. 😉

I have an indulgence I from which have managed to partially salvage a wee bit of tightwaddery. My breakfast, of late (say, the past few months) has consisted of a cuppa “keto coffee” supplemented with some “glucose control” protein powder (crème brûlée! *heh*). I justify the expense as supporting my nutritional needs hic et nunc, as it were.

But. Yeh, the expense kinda nags at me. So. . . the powder comes in a really nice, thick, resealable Mylar™-lined bag. Hate throwing such a thing away, so. . . wash and dry. Reuse for those long term storage items Mylar™ bags are recommended for, but which I’d otherwise simply store in vacuum sealed bags. Food item in bag (w/oxygen absorber), zip-seal started but not completed, bag in vacuum seal plastic bag, vacuum sealer run, zip-seal finished. Double-bagged Mylar™/vacuum-sealed for long term storage.

Feel less like a wastrel. In this case, less is more. *heh*

And the Beat Goes On. . .

Have you ever put a novel down at night and gone immediately to sleep? Then, the story continues in dreamland. . .

What’s frustrating is that, when this happens with me, all too frequently, when I resume reading the book, the writer gets it wrong. *heh*