Change the Terms but Keep the Substance

IOW, lie. That is what the forces occupying our communities under the cover of government do day in and day out.

Sovereign immunity? Qualified immunity? Anathema to the Founders and Framers.

Among the “long train of abuses” cited in the Declaration of Independence, one stands as a model for our INjustice system’s practices of both Sovereign Immunity and Qualified Immunity, that all too often protect government actors from the consequences of their crimes. The Declaration cites the king’s acts:

“. . . protecting them [occupying troops, similar n almost every regard to LEOs, persecutors, urm, prosecutors, judges, bureaucraps and the like “occupying” our communities] by a mock Trial, from punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States . . ”

And then there is the fact that BOTH the federal system AND the states are barred from creating classes of nobility, so what do they do instead? They create privileged classes that are in no substantial way different to nobility, in that they have protections from the laws they more and more often use to suppress and oppress citizens.

Our contemporary law enFARCEment and INjustice systems (along with just about every government bureaucrappy) can be held accountable for their persecutions of citizens (and in many cases, more and more often nowadays, actual encouragement of real criminal behavior) only with great difficulty, and with barely any effect on the lives of bad actors in government. At most? Maybe a slap on the wrist. More usual? “Attaboys” and promotions.

Thus, for example, the murderer, Lom Horiuchi, stands as a “hero” and inspiration to law enFACEment and other government bad actors everywhere. BATF’s (and other agencies’) brutal murder of children at Waco? *meh* No consequences (except for the BATF agents killed by “friendly fire”–a minor karmic justice).

And then there are those fake “protectors” training sheeple in serfdom. I would modify the George Bernard Shaw quote, “When a stupid man is doing something he is ashamed of, he will always declare that it is his duty,” for today’s Thugs Standing Around (TSA and all such security Kabuki personnel operating under cover of law), because most such persons have no sense of shame, nowadays, and no sense of right and wrong, either. They seem proud of doing things that any reasonable and decent person would be ashamed of.