Sweet Puppy!

That doesn’t _always_ work out all that well. . . I had a guy get really incensed with me when his ABPT preferred my company to his. . . and behaved better for me, as well. *shrugs* (I’ve only ever known one really “bad” dog–an inner city feral husky mix who terrorized a neighborhood. . . until he was stopped. *sigh* Coulda been a good dog, at one time. . . )

Dim-Witted Boobies Abound

Saw a “meme” calling for the tearing down of a statue of Lenin, because he was responsible for “starving five million Ukranians in one year!” *sigh* Boggled my mind. I related that to my (librarian) Wonder Woman and she had the same reaction I did: “Get your facts right!” Yeh, in 1921, Lenin had grain shipped from Ukraine to Moscow (food shortage in Moscow was the stated reason) for a while, but relented when Ukranians experenced a drought. Eight years AFTER Lenin died (1932) STALIN began his program of deliberately starving Ukraine into submission. Low end estimates of deaths: ~7,000,000. Stalin, not Lenin.

Gee, I thought EVERYONE knew this stuff. . . but I mistakenly attributed a higher level of literacy to “everyone” than I should have.

This kind of stuff ain’t rocket science. Folks have to work really hard to be this ignorant.

Even the Brightest and Best Sometimes Find an Acorn. . . Eventually

So, Jerome Kagan, one of the brightest luminaries of p-sych in the 21st Century says ADHD is largely (not entirely, of course) a fraud.

Kinda nice to have what I have observed and stated for over 40 years repeated by someone of such note. (I can recall being lambasted by the professor and my peers in a counseling practicum session for stating exactly the view Kagan espouses. *shrugs* I DGARA whether folks disagree with me now and didn’t then. Of course.)

Of course, one could say that of most of the “disorders” noted in the DSM–some are entirely bogus, and most are fraudulently “diagnosed,” probably in order to have a billable label for a p-sych, and a handy drug to give lazy, immature, whiny babies.

NOTE WELL: Genuine psychological problems do exist, and for folks plagued by real problems with a biological basis in fact, such problems can be hellacious.

Amazon’s Prime Shipping Was a Nice Idea

But it’s bullshit, now.

Example: a “Prime” order placed Monday, August 7 and acknowledged in email that day by Amazon is “expected” to ship today. . . August 10, and arrived on Monday, August 14.

That’s been pretty typical for “Prime” orders recently, and yet Amazon still says,

Of course, generating a shipping label three days after the order was received and acknowledged and “expecting” it to ship. . . soon, gives Amazon the disingenuous escape of falsely claiming it’s fulfilling its 2-day shipping claim, because it’ll only count Friday and the following Monday, while the package is expected to arrive one full week after it was placed and acknowledged.

Oh, well. It’s free shipping. I guess one can only expect what one pays for, eh? (Although, I thought that was the point of paying for a “Prime membership.”)

Not a Pet Peeve, but. . .

. . . it definitely encourages me toward peevishness. *heh*

People who say “jewry” for “jewelry” are even more irritating than people who say “jewlery.”


Note well: if ya wanna say “jewry” you’d darned well better capitalize it (I know, hard to do with speech, right? 😉 ) AND be referring to Jews as a people, mmmK?

The Fly in the Ointment

Internet-capable appliances that can, say, forward you grocery list to your phone sound great for folks who seem to misplace grocery lists regularly, but. . . can folks who do that be relied on to actually have their cell phones with them when they need ’em?

Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose?

Or is this “Déjà vu all over again?” *heh*

Now the guy who “wrote the book” on safe passwords has changed his tune and is now advocating using long passphrases.

The thing is, I’ve advocated this sort of thing off and on for years, here at this lil Third World County blog, because it’s an easy-peasy way to have long, complicated “passwords” that are easy to remember. I’ve even posted hints on how folks can “crack” my “passwords”

Hint: many of them are based on, but deliberately do not accurately reproduce, verses from 16th-to-19th Century art or folk songs in any one of six languages, and frequently run well over 64 characters. None of them spell all the words out correctly, and many do not use any of the actual words at all. Go ahead. Crack ’em. For me, they are easy-peasy to remember, though, ‘cos I can just “sing” the songs in my head as I type the passphrases, and because I am an “Odd,” the substitutions I use make sense to me but would seem almost psychotically delusional to “Normals”–or computers.

(Example of “Odd” perceptions/views of reality not directly related to my passphrase substitutions: numbers and mathematical functions have colors, shapes, and positions in 3D space for me. It’s how I “see” mathematical solutions without following steps in formulas. In a similar vein, word substitutions in art/folk song lyrics in foreign languages are “colored” and “shaped” by how I see and hear the words in my mind’s eyes and ears. So, easy to recall, for me, difficult to reproduce for any Normal or logical process.)

So, as I have said, have fun cracking my passwords. I’m sure there are some really Odd folks out there, somewhere, who’d enjoy doing just that. 🙂