Thought Experiment in a RW Situation

So, my Wonder Woman’s lil personal notebook began exhibiting some serious problems.

The “Black screen after login” issue
When video regained, extremely slow non-response (click, wait several minutes, whatever was invoked finally displays, etc.).
Hard drive light on, solid. Task Manager (again, problems loading TM) showed 100% hard drive usage, almost constantly.

So, I knew what the problem was, generally, but thought to meself, “Self, approach this as a moderately intelligent non-techie would approach it,” and searched the web on those behaviors. Sure enough, failing hard drive was the consensus among views.

Now, I could have dragged out some serious tools, but decided again to limit myself to the above parameters and just used whatever hard drive repair tools are built into Windows 10, invoking a hard drive scan and repair the easy way by shutting the computer down mid-boot a few times (it was taking almost 10 minutes to get to the login screen anyway,
so I just emulated the behavior of a frustrated non-techie, to wit:
“Maybe if I shut it down and restart it. . . ” *heh*

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