Even the Brightest and Best Sometimes Find an Acorn. . . Eventually

So, Jerome Kagan, one of the brightest luminaries of p-sych in the 21st Century says ADHD is largely (not entirely, of course) a fraud.

Kinda nice to have what I have observed and stated for over 40 years repeated by someone of such note. (I can recall being lambasted by the professor and my peers in a counseling practicum session for stating exactly the view Kagan espouses. *shrugs* I DGARA whether folks disagree with me now and didn’t then. Of course.)

Of course, one could say that of most of the “disorders” noted in the DSM–some are entirely bogus, and most are fraudulently “diagnosed,” probably in order to have a billable label for a p-sych, and a handy drug to give lazy, immature, whiny babies.

NOTE WELL: Genuine psychological problems do exist, and for folks plagued by real problems with a biological basis in fact, such problems can be hellacious.

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