Isn’t That Special

Another one for the “The Book Blurbs are Better Than the Book Could POSSIBLY Be” file (and a evidence of one of the reasons many new writers shouldn’t. Write, that is.):

“To beat a depraved serial killer, [Xxxx] may need to think like one. . . ”

Thanks for letting me know the book’s not worth reading (*meh* I’d rather read about a cereal killer, whether it be a bug, fungus, or rodent), but at least reading the blurb gave me the entertaining moment considering the differences between a depraved serial killer and all the normal, run-of-the-mill serial killers.

Redux: About Those So-called “Peaceful” Muslims

See ’round and about:

“Muslim immigrants should not be judged based on the actions of others who say they share their faith.”

Sure, I can buy that. They should only be held accountable for what they say and do. but since they SAY they adhere to the hate cult founded by The Butcher of Medina whom they SAY was perfect in every way (basic, universal assertion of Islam) and whose proclamations they SAY must be adhered to, then they support, either overtly or covertly, the directives from Mohamed to subjugate, enslave, or slay the “unbelievers.”

Either they adhere to that, or they are fundamentally dishonest at their core when they say they are Muslim, which means, since they lie about that they are not to be trusted in any way about anything else they say.

“Moderate” or “peaceful” Muslims are either practicing taqiyyah (“holy deception” of unbelievers) or are apostates from the religion they profess. Irrefutable fact, based entirely on the founding teachings/documents of Islam, which ALL Muslims claim are to be followed as the perfect revelation of their “god”.

Open, forthright disciples of Mohamed are at least more honest about the lies they follow. The open, faithful followers who actually do what Mohamed says Muslims MUST do to BE Muslim (that is, submitted to the commands issued by Mohamed in the name of his “god”) are acting out Mohamed’s lies. The rest are just liars, whether practicing taqiyyah or lying about being Muslim.

So, whether overtly “peaceful” or not, I refuse to trust anyone who says they are Muslim. Ever.

*Throws a Bullshit Flag on the Play*

Seen [at an undisclosed Internet location], stated by a person claiming to be a Bible-believing Christian:

“My job is NOT to ‘stop Hillary’ or to “StopTrump.’ My job is to lovingly trust and obey my Savior. He gave us very specific vetting lists for consideration when choosing candidates for leadership of a nation.”

I’d like to have the scripture citations where Christ noted the qualifications for “candidates for leading a nation,” please. TY. I do recall the scripture where he told some folks to “render unto Caesar [a pagan with questionable morals by biblical standards] that which is Caesar’s,” but cannot seem to put my finger on his “vetting lists” for candidates to be voted into civil office. . .

And no, I will not accept the parameters set down by which Saul was chosen as king of Israel (against God’s wishes, but he gave ’em what they wanted. Didn’t THAT turn out well. . . )

The comment specifically cites “vetting lists for candidates” set forth by “my Savior”–very specific vetting lists WHICH DO NOT EXIST.

I do very much hope the person who made this asinine statement gets lost on the way to the polling place this November.

Comfort Food: Mother’s Sloppy Joes

Mother made sloppy joes with a few variations, depending on exactly what she had handy, but her standard sloppy joe meat was an easy-peasy quasi-recipe, modified here in amounts, a lil in process, and with a couple of my fav additions. Still easy-peasy.

Take a pound of hamburger meat. Crumble it in a medium hot pan and brown it. Chop an onion–coarsely–while it’s browning. Drain it (more or less; I drain it “indifferently” nowadays). Set it aside and mince a couple of cloves of garlic (or just do the garlic while the meat’s browning, along with the onion). Sautée those juuuuust to clarity and add the meat back. A few tablespoons of Worcestershire sauce (I dunno how many; just until it’s enough for your taste), about 3 tablespoons of prepared mustard and enough ketchup to sop up the mustard *heh*.

I like to sautée about half a bell pepper (green), coarsely chopped, along with the onion and garlic.

Let it simmer to come together, and. . . sloppy joe time! Serve on toast or fav bun.

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Another comforting food. . .

Mother’s “French” salad dressing:

Base: mayonaise (although she used Miracle whip, since that’s what my Dad preferred); add a wee a tad prepared mustard; a wee bit more ketchup. Stir to combine. Finished.

About that Missouri “Constitutional Carry”

Reading up on the new Missouri “Constitutional Carry” bill requires putting on my “legal eagle glasses” AND putting up with illiterate “booby-age” from Mass MEdia Podpeople (No, it’s NOT “county sheriff’s offices” dummy; it’s “county sheriffs’ offices”). The first, because the bill was written in such a way that it primarily just deletes portions of previous law, making understanding what lawmakers were doing more a matter of subtraction than anything else. The second because, well, Mass MEdia Podpeople: subliterates spreading their own misinformation/disinformation via sloppy, subliterate grammar and word usage.

It doesn’t help to have a few seriously illiterate “law enFARCEment ossifers” chiming in with lies, disinformation, and misinformation. (State HiPos who’ve been quoted have seemed to get things more right than not, though. Many local yokels–mostly from big cities–seem to be either clueless or simply liars.)

At any rate, I won’t rely on the law being in effect until January, not that it will affect my behavior one way or another. 😉

“Based on a True Story”

Whenever I see “based on a true story” hitched to any sort of media presentation, I understand that the “based” part simply means, “Something happened. One or more elements of what happened may appear in the following presentation. . . or may not.”

Of course, this makes such media presentations “truer” than a typical “news” story, so there’s that. . .

Gettin’ Old

Olde Pharte tomcat crawled up in my lap, complaining about [whatever]. Said to him, “OK, I’ll comfort you in your dottage.” He responded with an archtypical “Olde Pharte” *grumph*

Sometimes a Plan Does Come Together

Pleased. Finally worked my head through the right combo of tools to remove the locking wheel bolts on my Wonder Woman’s Jetta (bought used, no key for the locking wheel bolts). Have one off and replaced with a normal wheel bolt, and the process well-defined, now. It was a wee tad more irritating, because these locking wheel bolts are “spinners,” needing the “spinner ring” removed before dealing with the actual bolt. Now, I just have to get the “spinner” out of the socket I used to remove it. *heh*

Hmmm, perhaps I should rethink my method of removing the “spinner” for the other three wheels. . . I’ll give that some thought before I do the next one.

Reset! Reset! Reset!

About that failed TV. . .

All diagnostics suggested by the company support said dead power supply or similar. Did everything by the book. No power on.

“Tech” call today with replacement TV.

“What’s it doing?”

“Well, I’ll show you.” *reaches to the TV’s power button and presses*

TV powers on.

Dafuq?!? Earlier TODAY, it did not power on.

“Tech”: *does not unbox new TV. Does not test anything* “It could be the UPS you have it plugged into.”

*sigh* “No, because I tested it plugged directly into the wall, as well as switching outlets [etc.].” (Oh, and the other two things plugged into the UPS both work, and have shown no interruption in service. Only two things*–neither the TV–is plugged into battery backup.

Me: *signs docs attesting to TV’s current functionality; hopes not calling again in a week*

Still, unless I open things up and test things myself, this will just have to be a mystery. and I have no desire to void the warranty.

Oh, well.

*On battery backup: a NAS and gigabit switch. Switch is, of course, for the NAS. . . and the TV, since I have not/will not enable the WiFi on the TV.

Capitalism vs. Our Current American Economic Model

It seems some folks are unclear on the differences between capitalism and the big business-government crony system we currently have. The two could not be farther apart. When there is corrupt behavior in a capitalist system, competition and civil courts can deal with that. The corruptocratic institutional system we now have has as its purpose the filling of politicians’ pockets and “bureaucraps'” rice bowls. From the consumer’s POV, it’s the worst of both capitalism unrestrained by market forces and the typical socialist model: politicians and their cronies are massively favored, enriched, and protected.

Of course, the 19th Century system that evolved into our current regulatory state was almost as corrupt. The monopolies and cartels “feddle gummint” regulations against monopolies and cartels were designed to deal with were either created or enabled by government intervention in the market. A good example of the regulatory state: create or exacerbate a problem in order to expand the scope of government, allowing perpetuation of the problem at a rate regulated only by the amount of graft.

And so it goes. Meanwhile, the sheeple never wise up, looking to the creators of the problems to solve them, against those creators’ perceived best interests. Suckers.