May I? Please?

May I dope slap someone for using “abit” to stand in for “a bit”? Please? Pretty please with sugar on top? Would it help my case if I told you the same folks used the adjective “backdoor” when they meant “back door”? Hmm?

[excessively polite mini-rant /off]

A Brief Explanation

I frequently refer to “Hillary Clintoon” as The Queenie Cacklepants Cylon. “Queenie” cos it acts as though it were entitled to royal treatment and privileges. “Cacklepants” cos it cackles out its ass. “Cylon” because, well, evil android that cannot yet pass a Turing Test.

That is all.

Well, no. Also, remember: Never mess with a chipmunk’s nuts. (No reason. I just despaired of ever having the opportunity to insert that into a text in a context that fit it.)