Remember this “Holiday”

Remember, folks, Friday (April 1) is Donald Trumpery Day. It’s a big day for his cultists.

Be careful to avoid them as they gather to celebrate. The destructive power of stupid people in large numbers should never be underestimated.


Short Take on “Higher Ed”

Most colleges and universities seem to be mainly just cash cows for a greedy administrative class, nowadays. Some good schools (or sometimes just departments within otherwise useless schools) remain, and there are enough potential students to fill those. The rest? Wastes of time and money. Both the schools and the remaining “students”.

Yeh, I’m quite willing to say that most college kids nowadays don’t belong in real institutions of higher ed. Witness the plethora of dummies classes (ok, colleges call them “remedial,” but that means “dummies”–students who are not mentally-emotionally-academically prepared or suited for higher ed but who are just there to waste their money supporting parasitic administrative and faux academic classes) for entering freshmen. . . and beyond. And witness also the simple fact that most recent college graduates are unable to comprehend “complex text” (like a want ad or newspaper editorial).

And most of the administrative class is comprised of arguably stupid people. Crafty, venal, and unethical, and willing to commit grand theft daily (by accepting their salaries, if nothing else), but stupid nonetheless.

A pox on them all: stupid kids wasting time and money getting what, for most, is a certificate saying little more than that they showed up and paid their mordidas, and administrators and faux academics who unethically accept those bribes to hand out attendance certificates.

May they all have the lives they deserve: nasty, brutish and hopefully short (preferably short enough to prevent reproduction).


Taxes Are Theft?

Every now and then, I see the “Taxes are theft” meme crop up again. It’s simplistic and wrong. Taxes are only theft when government begins to apply revenue thus gained in violation of its essential purpose: the protection of individual rights and liberties. As long as government hews closely to its legitimate purpose, and taxes are not obtained through coercion, taxes are not theft.

Of course, this means that taxes are theft. . . *sigh*

Have Fun Guessing My Password, Folks!

I want to share my Gmail password with y’all. Well, the circumstances from which I derived it and its nature. It is derived from a brief incident that occurred 47 years ago in the presence of people I have not seen since that time, and is based on a specialty item in a food order placed at a business that no longer exists. It’s a simple lil 60-character phrase that I can easily recall, distorted by upper-lower case letters, symbols and numbers according to a formula I devised for that password.

Have fun breaking into my Gmail account, folks!

Oh, BTW, I did insert one teensy lil contrafactual bit into the password, just to keep cracking the thing fun.

Yes, yes I know that “cracking” (really “guessing”) my password is only one way to break into my account. Try some of the others, mmmK?

BTW, even the strongest of passwords isn’t really much good as a means of securing things on otherwise insecure platforms/environments.

BTW#2: All the obscurity and pseudo-complexity described above? Misleading. THE single most important feature of strong passwords is LENGTH.


Well, we certainly shouldn’t point our fingers at Islam, Religion of Peace™. Although one might blame The Butcher of Medina (Mohamed) and his faithful followers for hijacking Islam. Before him, it was perfectly peaceful. . . Muslims should gang up on the guy and drum him and his heretical teachings out of Islam.

Oh, wait. What’s that you say? Islam is those who faithfully follow the teachings of its founder, Mohamed, the Butcher of Medina? Oh, well, then ignore what I said earlier.


wir sind im krieg

It seems that Euro-weenies may finally be tumbling to a fact that Charles Martel or Jan II Sobieski would have taught them, had they bothered to do their homework, learn the lessons of history, and stop listening to the “philosophy of consolation for western civilization as it commits suicide.”

Yeh, it’s war, and as long as the rest of the world blindly and foolishly heeds the lies about Islam’s peacefulness, Islam will continue its march through our societies virtually unopposed.

As Santayana’s Axiom states, “Those who do not know history’s mistakes are doomed to repeat them.”

It’s past time we begin to learn from the mistakes of history.

Oh, Well

After about six years, my lil “family room” notebook that I use while sitting with my Wonder Woman in the evening (she on hers, me on mine–unless we’re reading or on occasion watching TV or a video or have someone over) finally bit the dust. Onboard video system died. Really not worth the effort and cost to replace the Mobo, so. . .

Amazon’s delivering a new lappy toy tomorrow. It is NOT a top-end notebook, not even close. That’s just not needed for this lappy’s use. But it does at least have a full sized notebook keyboard with a numeric keypad, a reasonable processor and video subsystem, a reasonable display for a notebook (15.6”–just right for my viewing and much better than the lil 10” netbook I’ve used as a backup for the last couple of weeks), and the memory’s easily–and inexpensively–upgraded (the 4GB that comes with it is not enough for even casual my computing).

I’ve made a break from my past lappy purchases. This one’s not an Asus but a Toshiba. *shrugs* Six of one. . . for this class of computer? Not a lot of difference.

Yeh, yeh, comes with Win8.1, but I can fix that any number of ways (Classic Start, other things, or–likely–Linux Mint in a VM. Gets around a few issues and has essentially the same usability as running it natively, etc.), maybe even accept the “free” sorta upgrade to Win10 ( and fix the everlivin’ HECK out of it–the phoning home’s its worst part, IMO, followed by the “push” “updates:–Classic start, of course, etc.).

First task: Classic start. Next: PC Decrapifier. Then locking the thing down, getting it working well with ALL the resources on our lil LAN, installing my personal choices of software, etc. Typical computer setup fun.

But now, off to see if I can get more than 4 hours of sleep tonight. Could be. It’d be nice.