Reminder: Two Kinds of Muslims

1. Dishonest Muslims. These fall into two classes: a.) those who are practicing “holy deception” (taqiyya and kitman) to subvert the dar al harb and b.) those who simply lie about being Muslims for cultural or personal safety reasons.

2. Honest Muslims. These cover a short range from enablers of jihad (supplying money,personnel, matériel, [im]”moral” support, etc.) to those who actually open wage jihad against the dar al harb. (And another reminder: peaceful, “inner jihad” is BS.)


And do remember:

“. . .the best thing about the inside of a terrorist’s mind was a 185-grain 10mm hollow-point bullet entering at high speed.”–Dink Chavez (Character in Tom Clancy’s “Rainbow Six”)

No, that is not all. How in the world did you think it would be, hmmm? 😉

Muslims and Muslim apologists who use “holy deception” (“taqiyya” or “holy lies” and “kitman” which is one-sided, deliberately deceptive propaganda) to gull stupid “unbelievers” into accepting their statements that Islam is a “religion of peace” (but, of course it is, if one thinks of “peace” as either a garden on the unprotected surface of the Moon or one of the circles of Hell) are, of course, type 1.a. Muslims. One of their fav techniques is to cite verses from the Koran that seem to implor even openly direct!–good intentions toward unbelievers. These verses are all from Mohamed’s early period in Mecca, but once he was kicked out of Mecca, his message, his words as well as his open behavior, underwent a dramatic transformation into a message advocating murder, pillage, rape, torture and slavery for unbelievers. And it is these later proclamations that are the real Islam, for,

2:106 “Whatever of Our revelations We repeal or cause to be forgotten, We will replace them with something superior or comparable. Do you not know that Allah has power over all things? Do you not know that Allah reigns sovereign over the heavens and earth and besides Him you have no protector or helper? Would you question your messenger [Mohamed] as Moses was questioned in his time? Those who exchange their faith for disbelief have gone astray from the right path.”

Remember that the next time someone quotes the early, Mecca-period,

Sura 2:256 “2:256: “There is no compulsion in religion.” (

A very small snippet that does not really reflect the context, but that’s the way “kitman” works.

. . .that later Mohamed said many, many things like this, abrogating his earlier “peaceful” verses:

Sura 9:29-33 “Make war upon such of those to whom the scriptures have been given as believe not in Allah. . . ”

Sura 8.12 “Remember thy lord has inspired the angels with the message. Give firmness to the believers and instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers. Smite them above their necks and smite the fingertips of them.”

Sura 9.5 “When the sacred months have passed, kill the idolaters wherever you find them.”

Sura 47.4 “When you encounter the unbelievers, Strike off their heads. Until you have made a wide slaughter among them tie up the remaining captives.”

Go ahead, examine all the above in context.

Just Stop It

Sometimes, I just can’t stop myself. No, wait. Honestly, I could; I just don’t want to.

A recent SPAM comment began,

I know this if off topic but I’m looking into starting my own
blog and was curious what all is needed to get setup?

The first thing I’d do, were I you, is to enroll in a remedial English course. “Setup” is a noun that you used in place of the verb phrase, “set up.” Stop it. Then, learn to proofread your crap. “I know if this is off topic” is nonsense. Stop it.

Better yet, words? Stop using them, mmmK? Just stop it.

Apples to Horseshoes

And other silly arguments.

FarceBook is so very educational that it’s hard to look away. It’s a train wreck composed of American education in collision with technological enabling. I almost despise myself for rubbernecking. Almost.

Straw man arguments? Check.

Appeal to emotion? Check.

Rampant illiteracy cloaked in an unwarranted, unassailable belief in one’s sterling education and wide-ranging grasp of facts? Check.

Non causa pro causa and ad hominem attacks wielded with assurance? Check.

Inigo Montoya wearing a perpetually puzzled look? (“You keep using that word. . . “) Check.

The Great Unwashed constantly mistaking correlation with causation? Check.

Invective mistaken for cogent argument? Check. (I particularly love shout-downs composed of “Racist!” and “Xenophobe!” as “winning arguments”. *head-desk* And such folks never even realize that anyone with more active brain cells than three-day-dead road kill sees ’em as idiot losers.)

Equating manatees and screwdrivers? Well, I’ve not seen this one in EXACTLY those terms, but I’ve seen analogs too many times to count.

Educational, I suppose. But still a train wreck. But then, that’s pretty much been the Internet since before the interwebs.