Apples to Horseshoes

And other silly arguments.

FarceBook is so very educational that it’s hard to look away. It’s a train wreck composed of American education in collision with technological enabling. I almost despise myself for rubbernecking. Almost.

Straw man arguments? Check.

Appeal to emotion? Check.

Rampant illiteracy cloaked in an unwarranted, unassailable belief in one’s sterling education and wide-ranging grasp of facts? Check.

Non causa pro causa and ad hominem attacks wielded with assurance? Check.

Inigo Montoya wearing a perpetually puzzled look? (“You keep using that word. . . “) Check.

The Great Unwashed constantly mistaking correlation with causation? Check.

Invective mistaken for cogent argument? Check. (I particularly love shout-downs composed of “Racist!” and “Xenophobe!” as “winning arguments”. *head-desk* And such folks never even realize that anyone with more active brain cells than three-day-dead road kill sees ’em as idiot losers.)

Equating manatees and screwdrivers? Well, I’ve not seen this one in EXACTLY those terms, but I’ve seen analogs too many times to count.

Educational, I suppose. But still a train wreck. But then, that’s pretty much been the Internet since before the interwebs.

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