Just ONE of the Things Wrong With “Public Education” (Sadly, Often Better Known as “Prisons for Kids”)

Teachers are often required to attend “workshops” and “seminars” run by “education professionals” to maintain so-called “continuing education” credits necessary for their certifications/licenses. All too typically, such events feature know-nothing (or worse, know wrongly) educrats telling the teachers what they MUST do in their classrooms in order to be in compliance with some governmental regulation. Example: a workshop not long back featuring a remote educrat who said, “I have never taught in the classroom, but here is how you do xxxx.”

A know-nothing dictating to those who already know how to teach… but who often simply aren’t allowed to do so.

Remote educrats and the admins who enforce their edicts: F-n’ idiots.

One of the better things about rural schools is that some are often in quiet rebellion against city folks running their lives, and they’re small enough and sometimes remote enough to get away with a wee bit of foot-dragging on some of the stupider edicts. Just one reason that rural schools in general outperform many urban school systems in useful education. Review the principles of subsidiarity and accountability for reasons why this may work better in rural settings…

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