Messy, Messy, Messy

So, Win8 CP fresh install in a VirtualBox VM, with only a Ninite install of Glary Utilities, Opera, Irfanview, Vistart and Win8 updates from M$. And what do I find upon scanning for issues with Glary Utilities?


BTW, I had tried out Vistart, to regain some lost Win7 functionality for the desktop, and it worked pretty well (none of the Registry errors found by Glary Utilities were related to it anyway–only to M$ products), but uninstalled it right after this to try out Start8 from Stardock. Hmmm, a little heavier footprint and doesn’t look or work all that much like the Win7 Start bar/orb GUI but more like a combo of the Win7 desktop GUI and Metro. I think if M$ wanted to get folks to transition to the Metro interface on their desktops, Stardock’s approach would likely win M$ more friends…