“Balance” from the Hivemind

So, the usual Hivemind and barking mad leftards are in an uproar for the blowhard Limbaugh’s characterization of a confessed libertine as a “slut”.

“slut: noun an immoral or dissolute woman”

Seems fair. In my opinion, it closely resembles (closely resembles” as in “seems to be a perfect fit for”) Sandra Fluke’s own confession of her “need” to have a Roman Catholic educational institution finance the means for her to have “protected” sex when, where and however she pleases with whatever (and however many) partners she can get to have sex with her.

Seems like she confessed to at the very least “needing” to engage in sluttish behavior to me.

So what’s the problem? It’s “discourteous” or “ungentlemanly” or some such thing according to standards rejected by the Hivemind and associated barking mad leftards? Not as applied to their own speech standards which approve of publicly voicing rape fantasies and worse about such people as Sarah Palin and Laura Ingraham, while calling them by much, much more vulgar, even obscene, terms.

Of course that’s the problem. Their “standards” are simply this: “We can say and do anything we damned well please, and anyone who disagrees with us can say only what we allow them to.” If that were not the case, then Hivemind members like Keith Olbermann, Bill Maher, Mike Malloy and a rogue’s gallery of others would have been tarred, feathered and run out of the business long ago. Sample a little typical “rational” and “civil” discourse from the Hivemind’s Malloy, as but one small example of thousands:

Get that. Malloly celebrates the deaths of tornado victims and mocks religious beliefs he deems to be held by people in the so-called “Bible Belt”–which happens, in his tirade, to coincide with the locations of most of those killed by recent tornadoes.

Typical of the nasty, hate-filled, hate-spewing leftard Hivemind. In fact, it’s so normative that people are largely inured to it, it seems, and simply accept their hate-filled spew as normal speech. Have someone push back with an accurate description of an anointed, manufactured hero/ine of the Hivemind, though, and there will be hell to pay, as the blowhard Limbaugh discovered.

BTW, Rush Limbaugh a “blowhard”? Yep. Anyone who will apologize for simply speaking what would seem to the truth to any rational observer is a blowhard.