I Wonder…

…why it is that some people who just “can’t stand” to watch TV or movies on their laptops or desktops nevertheless find squinting at TV or movies on an eeentsy-weensy 3″-4″ smartphone’s screen to be da bomb?*

…why some people call their desktops their “hard drives” or think referring to their hard drive as “memory” is appropriate? These are often the same people who think that turning off their desktop’s monitor=turning off the computer.

…how some people confuse “upload” with “download” with “install”.

…how some people can use computers for years and not even know what OS they have installed or the names of the programs they use most OR that “program” and “application” are essentially interchangeable terms.

Just stupid, I guess, ignorant savages who think electricity and everything connected to it is just magic.

*Note: when I find some TV or movie worth watching, the only technology I prefer to avoid using to watch it is a typical big screen theater. Wastes of money on many levels, IMO–particularly in being crammed into audiences increasingly filled with yahoos, boors and “idjits”. TV (big or small screen), desktop, laptop, tablet: all fine with me, especially since in the last three formats I can have volume levels controlled to my taste and in the latter two formats I can use really, really good ear buds or earphones for surprisingly accurate sound reproduction and in the desktop format, my very good surround sound system really makes for great listening in my office. TV? Notsomuch, as its sound is shared (and that’s enough of that story).