“Fire”-ing on a Few More Cylinders

Just added an Android app to my Kindle Fire to enable access to 25GB of Skydrive storage I’ve barely touched. Who really needs all that much local storage on a tablet, anyway? If one were to need desktop/notebook levels of local storage on such a thing, that’d seem to indicate either

1. a need to do desktop/notebook kinds of tasks or
2. the need for a tablet more like this, or even this in order to… do desktop/notebook kinds of tasks.

Note: the link to TabletKiosk’s Sahara tablets at the article the second link above points to is malformed. Use the link provided in the preceding sentence if you want to check it out.

Impending Doom

Every day, I see evidence that those in our society who make their living by the written word are increasingly influencing the remaining few who bother to read at all with illiterate pronouncements, accelerating the slide into nonsense. Case in point (just one of many over the last few days alone):

“Clearly, the tablet and mobile worlds have begun to impact the desktop OS in a major way. This begs the question: Can the desktop survive?”

Methinks the writer has no idea what a petitio principii fallacy is.

Beg the question=”take for granted without basis or justification”

I just hate it when “mass man” semi-literacy (or should I say “cultural illiteracy”?–w/a tip o’ the tam to E.D. Hirsch, Jr.) debases writing this way. But that’s what happens when supposedly literate people have been trained–certainly not educated–via less than literate organs such as pubschools, contemporary “higher ed” and the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind. Ah, well, I suppose it’s just one more evidence of society’s slide into a Dark Age, when more and more people don’t even know much about what they don’t know… or care. And it is, of course, this increasingly self-enstupiated, self-deluded, autolobotomized group that seems to be guiding the course of our society. But then of course,

“In a democracy (‘rule by mob’), those who refuse to learn from history are in the majority and dictate that everyone else suffer for their ignorance.”

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