A “Not-Quite-a-Recipe” Egg Dish

Mostly ingredients and process, no amounts; you decide those.

-Butter (no, not margarine)
-Cooked bacon, chopped into ~1′ pieces
-Onions, minced and either sautéed or “microwave sautéed”*
-Jalapeños–sliced, canned works best for this one, IMO, and/or
-Other diced peppers
-Shredded cheese
-S&P to taste

Baking dish
Oven at 350 °F

Melt some butter for the bottom of the baking dish–however much will cover it when melted; whisk together eggs and cream; bacon in bottom of dish, onions on top of bacon; pour in egg-cream mixture; slide jalapeños on top and then sprinkle with shredded cheese. About 25 minutes more or less in 350 °F oven. Remove and let it set up for a bit. You could turn th oven to broil for the last few minutes if you want to get a lil more top browning. Eat it up.

*”Microwave sautéed”=some olive oil and/or butter in appropriate-sized (for amount of onions) microwavable dish, uncovered. Microwave for a minute, first, then 30 seconds at a time until the onions are nicely translucent and, when sampled, have sweetened a bit.

Also, if you want to go ahead and make a “piperade” sauce, then fine. Peppers, chopped; onions, minced; sauté in butter or olive oil and then add some diced, canned tomatoes. Let it simmer a while to come together. Heck, a little garlic wouldn’t hurt.