Martha v. Anthony

The critical issue before the republic today is:

If a citizen “lies” (or simply says something contra to government’s agenda), they’re due some prison time à la Martha Stewart who was sent to prison for “lying” (NOT under oath) to “feddle gummint” goons by denying she’d done something they couldn’t prosecute her for (because she’d not done it and what she “lied” about wasn’t a crime anyway).

But when one of the truly privileged class repeatedly lies to American citizens–even to making blatantly false accusations against others–the consequence certainly doesn’t include prison time. Witness Anthony Weiner. He did, definitely lie, and repeatedly. He slandered others with some of his lies and the lies he had his minions (the ruling elite has minions, of course) promulgate. Consequences? Even if he is eventually forced to resign, it’s still not prison.

Congresscritters are different from you and me. They have no consciences and experience far fewer, and far milder, consequences for their actions.