O Xmas Tree, O Xmas Tree…

Nicole asked a bit back for a pic of my “Xmas tree” made from Grolsch swingtop beer bottles. It’s a tiny thing (about 2′ tall), but had enough room for presents around it–mostly–when we had our early gift exchange during our Thanksgiving family time.

Sadly, I neglected to take measures to insure the flash wouldn’t override the lil solar-powered LED lights that I have in and in back of the bottles, so that lil feature doesn’t show. But hey, I’m not the photographer in the family, so this is what you get.


The presented argument by analogy is stronger than the initial simplistic (and shaky and, frankly, silly *heh*) argument asserting “proof” that “God is evil.”

Of course, both arguments must rest on earlier arguments for the existence of God which aren’t presented here. But that’s a much longer discussion. 🙂

Note: the jury is out on whether or not Albert Einstein actually said this–different sites say yes and no, though I’ve yet to see it attributed to someone else–but I am almost 100% certain that the presentation of him having said it as a young student in argument with his teacher is pure fiction, presented as such for effect.

En Passant

A screen shot of my somewhat cluttered (I need to offload some of the icons) Win7 desktop on this machine:

Yes, the background’s a pic of some of God’s most beautiful (and useful) flowers: dandelions.