*This Is Not the Post You Are Seeking*

*heh* IOW, this is one of those posts that probably should not see the light of publication, but the voices in my head (a firm majority) insist I do so anyway…

As an Olde Pharte, I have discovered the joys of extended times upon the throne. When I have a long session in “The Throne Room” I frequently take a book to occupy my time while other things are “processing”. Now, however, thanks to the fact that I finally succumbed to the “wants” to get a toy computer (the lil notebook I’m using for this post), I sometimes just take this lil toy into the “Throne Room” with me, instead of just a book (why not? I usually have more than one eBook in process at any one time on this and other computers).

And yes, that is where I am now, posting this most TMI post of the year for twc.