Buying a Clue–With Cash

Some folks are finally waking up to “Less is more”. Less use of credit cards, that is. More sensible behavior. So what if Christmas isn’t filled to the brim with crap one has gone (further) into debt to NOT (yet) own? Here’s hoping that more and more Americans–maybe, gasp! even congresscritters–twig to the fact that borrowing money to get things is usually a monumentally stupid thing to do, and that the things thus gotten have been bought and paid for with other people’s money, money that comes more than a few strings attached.

Borrow to buy something new and shiny (when what one has that is old and dull *heh* is still perfectly serviceable)? The act of a fool.

OS Wars

I’ve written pretty often in the last year about Windows 7. That’s not necessarily because I feel it’s the best answer out there for everyone but because I pretty much need to use it and previous versions frequently enough to be able to offer help to users and because I have one application (yes one) that both has no suitable replacement in a ‘nix OS and only almost runs w/o a hitch using WINE under a ‘nix OS. Oh, and Windows Media Center beats the socks off any ‘nix offering in the category for tuning TV.

That said (that I need to use Windows for my own reasons), I really prefer either Linux Mint 10 or PC-BSD 8.1, the two slickest, most complete ‘nix OSes that don’t come with an Apple Tax and Apple Straitjacket attached. For most folks, Linux Mint 10 would be all they’d need in an operating system, since most folks use their computers for

  • web surfing
  • email
  • watching and listening to various media
  • generating graphic/video files
  • “office” type use (word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, datasbases, etc.

Continue reading “OS Wars”