Writers for C- Movies Should Stick to the SyFy Channel…

…not become “New York Times Best-Selling” authors.


All these idiots do is accelerate the pejoration of the English language as a whole, dumb down the reading public even further (actually, quite an accomplishment, when you think about it) and increase the bloated landfill “wannabes” that our public libraries and book stores seem to aspire to being. Commas splices, split infinitives (where none are needed for jargon or idomatic speech and where such abortions of syntax and semantics actually harm clear communication), and inapropriate word usage when compounded by drearily banal plots, laughable and completely inexcusable historical and factual faux pas, and stereotypes in place of characters, just make for poor reading.

But that’s what passes for “New York Times Best-Sellers” in a post-literate age. *sigh* I know, because I just struggled through another one such book in an attempt to find a new author I might enjoy reading. Why did I not close the book and end the torture after the first page? Frankly, I wanted to give it a fair and honest read and the author a chance to redeem himself, but Raymond Koury just would not cooperate, and so–on to the dreadfully predictable end, slogging through some of the crappiest writing I have ever subjected myself to–I persisted. And I regretted it “alright” (one of Koury’s many, many assinine pejorations of the English language appropriated from such subliterate American pop culture “literary giants” as The Who, The Killers, Janet Jackson and Jennifer Lopez *feh*).

I feel certain that reading Koury’s writing has killed enough brain cells (they suicided as prodigious rates the more I read of Koury’s drek) to lower my IQ by 10 points. Oh, I can afford the loss, though, since I live in a society dominated by stupified dolts who, for one example of many, voted to ensconce The 0! in the White, urm, “Café au Lait” House. The lower ones IQ, the more sense the passing scene makes…

But just a fair warning: if you don’t think you can afford to kill off a lot of brain cells, take a pass on books written by Raymond Koury.

Note 1: It didn’t help Koury much that I had just read a very nice piece of fiction by Lawrence Block. The comparison between Block’s literate style, wry wit, tight plotting and spare but nevertheless vivid charactizations and Koury’s “anything BUT the above” only served to highlight Koury’s faults as a writer.

Note 2: the SciFi channel’s recent name alteration to “SyFy” is just another of the many unutterably stupid word alterations that subliterate idiots in marketing and advertising (and “news” and contemporary “music” etc., etc.) have inflicted on American English. *feh” on them all. Of course, ignoring the SciFi (or SyFy if one wants to be a complete idiot) Channel is no great loss, as a general rule. Has anyone among the readers (assuming more than one *heh*) of this blog yet “succeeded” in watching ANY of the “made for SciFi/SyFy ‘movies'” all the way through? Thought not. Dreck of the lowest order. Labeling them “C- movies” is probably an insult to the makers of C- movies everywhere.

Congress Intent on Swearing The Dhimmicrappic Oath

The 0!’s “Campaign to Enslave America” (A.K.A., “Health Care Reform, “Cap and Trade” etc.) uses the Underpants Gnomes’ Business Plan as a model to create further crises in order to bring our society to its knees. Once he has fully exhausted the benefits of

Phase 1: Collect Underpants
Phase 2: ???
Phase 3: Profit!

and the havoc such a plan will wreak on our society, he can reap the rewards of his refinement of the CLOWARD-PIVEN STRATEGY,

“First proposed in 1966 and named after Columbia University sociologists Richard Andrew Cloward and Frances Fox Piven, the “Cloward-Piven Strategy” seeks to hasten the fall of capitalism by overloading the government bureaucracy with a flood of impossible demands, thus pushing society into crisis and economic collapse.”

Let’s call The 0!’s plans for America what they are, The Underpants Gnome Cloward-Piven Maneuver to Enslave America. Sure, it’s a mouthful, but it has the charm of being more honest than the lying “Health Care Reform” or obscurantist “Cap and Trade” bullshit.

America’s Theme Song Under The 0!?

Bye-bye to America’s “romance” with a constitutional republic based on the rule of law…

Simon and Garfunkel did a good “Bye Bye” but for another take on the same piece, try The Everly Brothers version:

Either way, kiss the Founders’ dream goodbye while The 0! implements the CLOWARD-PIVEN STRATEGY “for forcing political change through orchestrated crisis”.

First proposed in 1966 and named after Columbia University sociologists Richard Andrew Cloward and Frances Fox Piven, the “Cloward-Piven Strategy” seeks to hasten the fall of capitalism by overloading the government bureaucracy with a flood of impossible demands, thus pushing society into crisis and economic collapse.

Now do you get the infamous Rahm Emanuel comment?

“You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.”

The 0! isn’t just not letting “a serious crisis to go to waste” but actively working to manufacture and exacerbate crisis after crisis. It’s all in the master (race) plan… By engaging both anarchy and tyranny, The 0! and his partners in crime (not all just Dhimmicraps; there are more than a few Repugnican’ts going along to get along–Juan Mexicain and Lindsay Graham are you listening? No, didn’t think so, you Repugnican’t creeps) are attempting to take the US inexorably down the road to a Marxist dictatorship of the politburo (I almost typed that “politburro”–a slip for which I’d have had to apologize to miniature asses everywhere).

Eine Kleine Nachtmusik

No, not the piece that goes by that name; a different piece by a different composer, but equally suited to be “night music” I think. Called “Für Elise”, the Beethoven “Bagatelle in A minor”:

Maybe I’ll feature the Mozart number later for readers who were misled by the title. 🙂

Here’s a portion (the minuet) of Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, for Chris: