Here’s the Attitude We Need in Our Politicians

If I could find this attitude in but one politician, I’d vote for him for emperor.

Let the righteous strike me;
It shall be a kindness.
And let him rebuke me;
It shall be as excellent oil;
Let my head not refuse it.
–Psalm 141:5

Fat chance finding a politician *spit* with that kind of genuine humility. They used to call such persons “statesmen” until the breed became extinct.

(BTW, our political leaders could all benefit from a culling of the herd by means similar to the voice “juries” I experienced as a youthful voice student. Insightful criticism by folks who know what they’re talking about and whose critique cannot be gainsayed. But who among the foxes could we select to guard against the foxes ruling the hen house? Perhaps once upon a time, in some halcyon age of yore, citizens performed such a function upon our chosen representatives, but now, since most voters are culturally, historically and even functionally illiterate, greedy, lazy bums, what we get are culturally, historically and even functionally illiterate, greedy, and stupidly crooked–are you listening, Tom Daschle? Of course not–representatives of the electorate to serve as foxes in the hen house.)

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Win7… Later

Well, I’m glad I have another 500GB hard drive coming in for dual boot installation of Win7 beta on my 64-bit “hog,” because the two low-spec offline (not in current use) comps were… a ta too low-spec for the 32-bit install. Well, that and the fact that neither could really use the dual channel memory I had available to boost them into “maybe” range.

Sooo, next week. A dual boot system to test Win7 against Ubuntu 8.10 on an AMD dual core with (too many) GiB of RAM and a (ridiculously over-powered for text and typical graphics) nice vidcard, etc. Not bleeding edge, but easily powerful enough to have run Vista had I wanted to.

Mini-micro-nano-update: First reports from Fedex had the hard drive coming in on Saturday the 7th. Nope. Updated this afternoon to Tuesday the 10th. ‘s’all right, though, because I have to try to do some remote system management for a client this weekend. It’ll be interesting, to say the least…

Oh, and the system I’m writing this post from? One of those underpowered computers (old 700Mhz slot 1 P-III) that I popped a bare 80GB hard drive into. Sure, I was only able to scrounge up 256MB of the antiquated memory it uses, but it’s running as well as most computers running XP with 2-4X the memory. Oh, and the hard drive? It was a… problem loading the Win7 DVD onto, because the antiquated motherboard can’t recognize anything larger than a 30Gb drive. *heh*.

So, how’s this system working so well? Puppy Linux. Booted from the CD. Loaded GPartEd and found and partitioned the drive. Loaded Puppy Linux onto it, configured GRUB and… good to go.

Slick OS.

BTW, the Puppy Linux live CD is a very cool troubleshooting tool all by its lonesome. Unlike the “bad old days” of live CDs, once the OS is loaded from the CD, it runs in memory, and when apps are loaded from the CD, they’re loaded and run in memory. Browsers are as close to “instant on” as can be imagined, for example.

But, as a tool for rescuing files from a non-bootable Windows system, a Puppy live CD is the first thing in my bag of tricks, because it reads just about any file system out there. Boot the CD, mount the unbootable drive and start hauling files off to a flash drive or burn ’em to optical media or transfer ’em to another hard drive. If a drive is too trashed for that, then I’ll dig out the data recovery tools.

Oh, and If you decide to use Puppy Linux on a regular basis, installing it to the hard drive is a task that approaches the trivial. Configuring the GRUB bootloader is a tad more messy, but not by much. But one can get almost the entire benefit of installing Puppy to the hard drive by simply installing all the Puppy boot files (as well as the config files and saved sessions–including software installs) to the hard drive and just using the bootloader on the CD. Leaves your original OS untouched and doesn’t even mess with your OS’s bootloader that way.

Just not too shabby. And the Puppy community seems to breed new Puppy versions like crazy. From a ChurchPup, for those who want loads of Christian Bible study and related apps, to multiple Puppy distros aimed specifically at the Asus eeepc, there’re loads of offerings.

Puppy Linux. G’wan, adopt a puppy.

Well, That’s Certainly Going Well…

… or not.

A few months after the election, and a couple of weeks into the reign of the Obamassiah, I can look back at my wishful October thinking and reflect. Oh, I was extremely displeased to be forced by the Dhimmicraps’ offering to vote for McWhatsisname (Dhimmicrap Lite) simply in hopes that he’d find health issues precluded him from serving more than a day or two so that Palin could have room to become our Thatcher, a sort of Reagan in skirts.

Not to be.

But at least the reign of The One has so far proven to be all one could foresee: riddled with corruption, cronyism, already failed promises (thank God for small blessings), etc. Look out Grant and Clinton: your records of corruption seem to be in danger of falling, and even Dhimmi Kahtah must look to his laurels as the stupidest smart president given the way The Obamassiah’s handling his first couple of weeks in office.

But we have to give the poor guy a break. This is his first elective office where he’s had to actually do anything besides collect a check… and run for office/re-election again. Actually doing stuff is hard.

Poor baby.

Wednesday’s Classwork: The Bell of Atri

Written in the 1870s, the poem below is a good illustration of just why a literate citizenry is essential to a representative republic, such as the United States of America are supposed to be. (Note well that I wrote, as was proper during the Founders’ day, before Emperor Lincoln’s War, “ARE supposed to be”.) The lessons it gently but firmly articulates are lessons that responsible citizens must take to heart… but, of course, to do so such citizens must first be aware that those lessons, those principles, exist. Sadly, the wealth of history and literature that could aid in inculcating such ideas in young minds is far, far from the agenda of todays “public schools” (better called “prisons for kids”). Tell me, if you will, what lessons for citizens do you infer from Longfellow’s words. Please limit answers to no more than 1,000 words per comment. *heh* (Don’t stop at the most famous lines–“Pride goeth forth on horseback grand and gay… ” but look for underlying principles, please.)

The Bell of Atri
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

At Atri in Abruzzo, a small town
Of ancient Roman date, but scant renown,
One of those little places that have run
Half up the hill, beneath a blazing sun,
And then sat down to rest, as if to say,
“I climb no farther upward, come what may,” —
The Re Giovanni, now unknown to fame,
So many monarchs since have borne the name,
Had a great bell hung in the market-place,
Beneath a roof, projecting some small space
By way of shelter from the sun and rain.
Then rode he through the streets with all his train,
And, with the blast of trumpets loud and long,
Made proclamation, that whenever wrong
Was done to any man, he should but ring
The great bell in the square, and he, the King,
Would cause the Syndic to decide thereon.
Such was the proclamation of King John.

How swift the happy days in Atri sped,
What wrongs were righted, need not here be said.
Suffice it that, as all things must decay,
The hempen rope at length was worn away,
Unraveled at the end, and, strand by strand,
Loosened and wasted in the ringer’s hand,
Till one, who noted this in passing by,
Mended the rope with braids of briony,
So that the leaves and tendrils of the vine
Hung like a votive garland at a shrine.

By chance it happened that in Atri dwelt
A knight, with spur on heel and sword in belt,
Who loved to hunt the wild-boar in the woods,
Who loved his falcons with their crimson hoods,
Who loved his hounds and horses, and all sports
And prodigalities of camps and courts; —
Loved, or had loved them; for at last, grown old,
His only passion was the love of gold.

He sold his horses, sold his hawks and hounds,
Rented his vineyards and his garden-grounds
Kept but one steed, his favorite steed of all,
To starve and shiver in a naked stall,
And day by day sat brooding in his chair,
Devising plans how best to hoard and spare.

At length he said: “What is the use or need
To keep at my own cost this lazy steed,
Eating his head off in my stables here,
When rents are low and provender is dear?
Let him go feed upon the public ways;
I want him only for the holidays.”
So the old steed was turned into the heat;
Of the long, lonely, silent, shadeless street;
And wandered in suburban lanes forlorn,
Barked at by dogs, and torn by brier and thorn.

One afternoon, as in that sultry clime
It is the custom in the summer time,
With bolted doors and window-shutters closed,
The inhabitants of Atri slept or dozed;
When suddenly upon their senses fell
The loud alarm of the accusing bell!
The Syndic started from his deep repose,
Turned on his couch, and listened, and then rose
And donned his robes, and with reluctant pace
Went panting forth into the market-place,
Where the great bell upon its cross-beams swung,
Reiterating with persistent tongue,
In half-articulate jargon, the old song:
“Some one hath done a wrong, hath done a wrong!”

But ere he reached the belfry’s light arcade
He saw, or thought he saw, beneath its shade,
No shape of human form of woman born,
But a poor steed dejected and forlorn,
Who with uplifted head and eager eye
Was tugging at the vines of briony.
“Domeneddio!” cried the Syndic straight,
“This is the Knight of Atri’s steed of state!
He calls for justice, being sore distressed,
And pleads his cause as loudly as the best.”

Meanwhile from street and land a noisy crowd
Had rolled together like a summer cloud,
And told the story of the wretched beast
In five-and-twenty different ways at least,
With much gesticulation and appeal
To heathen gods, in their excessive zeal.
The Knight was called and questioned; in reply
Did not confess the fact, did not deny;
Treated the matter as a pleasant jest,
And set at naught the Syndic and the rest,
Maintaining, in an angry undertone,
That he should do what pleased him with his own.

And thereupon the Syndic gravely read
The proclamation of the King; then said:
“Pride goeth forth on horseback grand and gay,
But cometh back on foot, and begs its way;
Fame is the fragrance of heroic deeds,
Of flowers of chivalry and not of weeds!
These are familiar proverbs; but I fear
They never yet have reached your knightly ear.
What fair renown, what honor, what repute
Can come to you from starving this poor brute?
He who serves well and speaks not, merits more
Than they who clamor loudest at the door.
Therefore the law decrees that as this steed
Served you in youth, henceforth you shall take heed
To comfort his old age, and to provide
Shelter in stall, and food and field beside.”

The Knight withdrew abashed; the people all
Led home the steed in triumph to his stall.
The King heard and approved, and laughed in glee,
And cried aloud: “Right well it pleaseth me!
Church-bells at best but ring us to the door;
But go not in to mass; my bell doth more:
It cometh into court and pleads the cause
Of creatures dumb and unknown to the laws;
And this shall make, in every Christian clime,
The Bell of Atri famous for all time.”

Nah, of course I can’t dock your grade for not doing the assignment. I don’t have to. Life and time will do that well enough without me. But do note well that Proverbs 16:18 (Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall) is not the only lesson this poem seeks to impart; it is but one of several that are useful in instruction of responsible citizens… and governors.

Aside: (Now, this may seem to be a really offbeat rabbit trail :-)) Note also, for “extra credit” the poetic construction of the original proverb and compare/contrast it to Longfellow’s treatment. (Ancient middle eastern poetic convention was different to 19th century English/American poetic convention in many ways, but there are similarities–mostly in how the latter echoes the former in broad strokes expanded from the minimalist original. Fun, and noting such things can be useful to development of citizenship in ways other than Longfellow’s primary message(s).)

Trackposted to The Pink Flamingo, Allie is Wired, Political Byline, and Democrat=Socialist, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

New Line-up for Windows 7

Mary Jo Foley has a brief rundown of the proposed lineup for Windows 7. It’s not all bad news…

And Ed Bott gives a few more details about what the proposed features for the different Win7 versions are. If we do any Win7 here at twc central at all at all (and yes, I plan to install at least Win7 beta 32-bit within a week–and likely the 64-bit version a week after–again, if all goes as planned), I see two, or even three, different versions as being of potential worth:

Windows 7 Home Premium – This is the successor to Windows Vista Home Premium, and Microsoft expects it to be the most common edition sold, the standard for virtually all consumer PCs. It includes the Aero interface with its Windows 7 enhancements, plus Windows Media Center, DVD playback support, and multi-touch and handwriting features. I’m also told (but can’t yet confirm) that image-based backup is included in this edition for the first time.

If I decide not to go with LinuxMCE or something similar on the HTPC I plan on installing this year, this would be worth looking at for that application.

Windows 7 Professional – This edition drops the Business label used in Windows Vista and goes back to the old XP-era name, presumably to give XP users more comfort in their upgrade decision. Unlike Vista Business, this edition contains all features in the Home Premium edition, including Media Center. For the extra cost, you get more traditional business features like the ability to join a Windows domain, group policy based management tools, Remote Desktop host capabilities, network-based backup features, and support for the Encrypting file system.

Group policy management tools. I liked the group policy management console (add-on for workstation users, built-in for server ver.) in Win2K, and even better in Server 2003 and XP (not available for Home ver). I was disappointed that the tool wasn’t included with Vista Premium (although Ultimate users had it included, of course), so that group policy management had to be done with Registry edits. So, group policy console functions included: good. Network based backup features built in? A plus. I’d have to see what pricing is like though, because the additional features mentioned here that I’d want on a twc central computer can all be duped with free add-ons from third parties.

And the “maybe” candidate? Well, Windows 7 “Starter Edition” (supposed to be available as an OEM only, but that’s how I usually buy Windows licenses anyway) might have some usefulness in older equipment, but since the beta that’s available now seems to install on some low-spec hardware, even this might not be needed around here–not that any of these versions are needed, just that some may turn out to be useful.

We’ll see. Maybe this version of Windows will appeal to me more than XP and Vista (2003 Server and Windows Home Server were pretty nice. Haven’t used/been directly exposed to 2008 Server; that’s one of the very few Windows versions I’ve had no exposure to, though what I’ve read/heard about it has been, on balance, very good).

Tip of the Iceberg

The following ad, from NumbersUSA and the Coalition for the Future American Worker, only touches on the LEGAL immigrants our government brought in to take your neighbors’ jobs; illegal aliens depressing the low-end job market aren’t addressed in the ad, so remember: it’s just the tip of the iceberg… or the tip of the spear aimed at the heart of the American economy by worthless politicians *spit*.

Jerry Pournelle has said, “We are already in the beginning phases of a Dark Age. We can still get back, but we have to want to do that.” Listen to him, because if we blindly, placidly, passively welcome the coming of the dark, we may deserve what we get, but surely our grandchildren do not.

Hoist Him by His Own Petard

UPDATE: Yeh, Daschle withdrew his name, but based on his own words and deeds, he needs to be put to work making little rocks out of big ones PDQ (along with Geithner and whatsername), or The Obamassiah and his cronies in Congress are revealed as lying dirtbag scum of the earth. Oops. Too late for that, because it’s already clear that this administration (and its cronies in Congress) are as crooked as a dog’s hind leg. Anyone keeping tally of the tax cheats that Obama wants in his cabinet and staff? Anyone want to tally that against eight years of the Bush administration? (Yeh, yeh, I still hold that Bush should have been impeached for failure to faithfully execute the office of the president, in violation of his oath–based on his evisceration of immigration enforcement–but that’s another issue… )

Via The Corner, h.t. Adam’s Blog, The One’s nomination to be secretary of Health and Human speaks from the time capsule:

“Make no mistake, tax cheaters cheat us all, and the IRS should enforce our laws to the letter.” Tom Daschle, Congressional Record, 5/7/98, p. S4507

As it happens, I agree with Tom Daschle on this point. Heck, let’s see some prison time, on top of taxes and penalties, for the guy who cheated on over $146,000 in taxes: Tom Daschle. If tax fraud was good enough to send Al Capone to jail, then it’s barely good enough for politicians who are tax cheats.

Trackposted to Rosemary’s Thoughts, Political Byline, Conservative Cat, and DragonLady’s World, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

“petard”–small bomb; “hoist by his own petard”–lifted by his own bomb, blown up by his own action, sat on his own grenade if you will. I say, therefore, let’s sit Daschle on his own grenade, hold him to his own words, rigorously, firmly, without mercy. Jackass.


I really should be making hay while the sun shines, getting with the program, and all sorts of other clichés. *heh* But. Last night was a loooooong night. No pressing appointments today. Things–many!–to do, but

Lethargy. All my vigor’s seeping out of me,
Now I’m barely rising to my knee,
Oh, lethargy came over me…

(You know the tune. Some sing other words to it, like, “Leprosy. All my skin is falling off of me… “ *heh*)

All I wanna do is nap, but I’m getting some things–“needful things”–done that will stand me in good stead when my schedule picks back up tomorrow. Still, I’m definitely NOT getting the chainsaw out and whittling away at the woodpile or cutting down those small trees I need to give our new neighbors. (They have a nice 3-walled shed to dry the wood in for their fireplace.)

Nope. Right now, I’m just getting used to my second keyboard/mouse combo in two weeks. Yeh, yeh. Got ’em both for less than the retail on one. Loved the keyboard on the first combo (a Gateway branded wireless combo) but hated the mouse. Stiff buttons and wheel. Really stiff. The mouse my Wonder Woman has (at work) from the mate to the Gateway set I was using was much better. Just individual differences, I guess. So, when I ordered her a nice lil Logitech wireless mouse for her notebook, I picked up a Logitech keyboard/mouse combo for me at the same time.

*sigh* Love the mouse. The keyboard’s not nearly as nice as the Gateway branded keyboard, though. Feels kinda cheesy. Oh. Well. I can either add the Gateway-branded sensor back on and use the keyboard that goes with that or get used to this keyboard. I think I’ll try for the latter for now. Sure do like this mouse, though.

BTW, what the heck ever happened to LED indicators for CAPS/NUMLOCK, etc.? Maybe it’s a power-saving thingy. Oh, well. I’ll stuff some high-density foam under the CAPSLOCK key anyway pretty soon now so I don’t have to deal with my indifferent typing skills resulting in inadvertent ALL CAPS typing.

Oh, the “old” wireless keyboard/mouse combo? Spare. Always need spares. 🙂