Gun Control

I guess I ought to watch Boston Legal…

This brings a smile to my face EVERY time I watch it! Over and over and over…

h.t. Chaos Manor View

As long as I’m making folks spew their coffee at their keyboards/screens,

The man who would’ve SMASHED The Obamassiah at the polls. FLAT. OUT. SMASHED.

Sadly, YouTube has removed this gem of a public service spot… Oh, sigh. Did I download it while it was available? Too lazy to search for it right now, “I got inertia, oh yeah, it’s so easy… I got inertia…” (from an obscure 70s song).

BUT! Here’s the video, currently available, although with Spanish “over-titling”–

Oh, FUN!

How in the world did it take me this long to find and its “radio” streaming feature? Just too cool for words. While most streaming services seem to focus on popular crap, I’m able to define a broad or narrow range of what I deem “classical” and have it stream randomly or as my own designed playlist. Whiloe I’ve found a number of other “internet radio stations,” some of which are close to my needs/desires (see my right sidebar for a decent station in Australia), this one offers some unique advantages for my uses–particularly free downloads of the SCORES! (The inclusion, on the download page for a score, of historical/biographical info is a nice plus, as well.)

I like. Ever since Dr Karl Haas died a few years ago, even classical radio stations, for the most part, have been–save for re-runs of Haas’ program–mostly either just stale Romantic-period only or that with a mix of modern crap thrown in. *sigh* Of course, I enjoyed Haas’ program almost as much for his musicological commentary as for the wide array of music he featured, but yeh, it was definitely the selctions of really good music well-performed that had me coming back to his program for years.

Nothing like his commentary survives in any of the prissy, inbred platter-spinners’ patter today that I can find, so just finding another source with a wide array of good performances of excellent music is a real nice find.

Of course, if you wanted to explore more limited genres, I suppose Free-Scores might do that for you as well, but since the actual SCORES are available, that knocks out a lot of crap. Nice to download a score, then play the piece along with reading it. Sometimes nuances are more obvious that way, and it frequently gives me ideas of how I’d change a performance were I directing/playing. And for those who want it, the default “human performances” can be altered to be computer-only or human/computer “performances”–and sometimes even I prefer to hear a piece as a well-wrought midi file, espeically when just reading along for analysis).

Just fun!

Seriously recommended for anyone who appreciates a wide range of classical music, and even for those who do not but are open to learning something new.

Seriously delightful!

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