Well, That’s Certainly Going Well…

… or not.

A few months after the election, and a couple of weeks into the reign of the Obamassiah, I can look back at my wishful October thinking and reflect. Oh, I was extremely displeased to be forced by the Dhimmicraps’ offering to vote for McWhatsisname (Dhimmicrap Lite) simply in hopes that he’d find health issues precluded him from serving more than a day or two so that Palin could have room to become our Thatcher, a sort of Reagan in skirts.

Not to be.

But at least the reign of The One has so far proven to be all one could foresee: riddled with corruption, cronyism, already failed promises (thank God for small blessings), etc. Look out Grant and Clinton: your records of corruption seem to be in danger of falling, and even Dhimmi Kahtah must look to his laurels as the stupidest smart president given the way The Obamassiah’s handling his first couple of weeks in office.

But we have to give the poor guy a break. This is his first elective office where he’s had to actually do anything besides collect a check… and run for office/re-election again. Actually doing stuff is hard.

Poor baby.

3 Replies to “Well, That’s Certainly Going Well…”

  1. Oh, if only I knew the right ear into which I should whisper a slight variant on those words which the doctor used to bring an end to Harriet Jone’s administration one Christmas. She was just a back-bencher thrust into power by virtue of being in the right place at the right time when the previous government had been wiped out by a criminal family of aliens. When she later ordered a preemptive strike against a defeated, fleeing, former enemy wiping them out of existence, the Doctor whispered six words into her aide’s ear.

    “Don’t you think she looks tired?”

    Within days she was frantically trying to suppress rumors of being medically unfit to serve as Prime Minister, and was soon out of office afer a vote of no confidence.

    My variant on the Doctor’s words?

    Don’t you think “the one” looks overwhelmed?

    My only fear is, if he’s driven to leave office after admitting his incompetency, the man that told us all that “the presidency is no place for on-the-job training” will step in to fill his Aqua Socks.

  2. *heh* That’s why I pray for The One’s health. The two most frightening words I hope to ever avoid hearing are, “President Biden”. *shudder*

    Of course, were Biden to be out and The One, seeking to scam Repugnican’ts with a show of faux bipartisanship, were to tap Palin as veep, take 2, I might stop praying for The One’s health…

    *lol* Like THAT’S gonna happen…

  3. I enjoyed the post, thanks.
    I also have a post up about why Obama is failing so rapidly. He is just not very smart, social promotions, affirmative action, and such you know.

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