
I really should be making hay while the sun shines, getting with the program, and all sorts of other clichés. *heh* But. Last night was a loooooong night. No pressing appointments today. Things–many!–to do, but

Lethargy. All my vigor’s seeping out of me,
Now I’m barely rising to my knee,
Oh, lethargy came over me…

(You know the tune. Some sing other words to it, like, “Leprosy. All my skin is falling off of me… “ *heh*)

All I wanna do is nap, but I’m getting some things–“needful things”–done that will stand me in good stead when my schedule picks back up tomorrow. Still, I’m definitely NOT getting the chainsaw out and whittling away at the woodpile or cutting down those small trees I need to give our new neighbors. (They have a nice 3-walled shed to dry the wood in for their fireplace.)

Nope. Right now, I’m just getting used to my second keyboard/mouse combo in two weeks. Yeh, yeh. Got ’em both for less than the retail on one. Loved the keyboard on the first combo (a Gateway branded wireless combo) but hated the mouse. Stiff buttons and wheel. Really stiff. The mouse my Wonder Woman has (at work) from the mate to the Gateway set I was using was much better. Just individual differences, I guess. So, when I ordered her a nice lil Logitech wireless mouse for her notebook, I picked up a Logitech keyboard/mouse combo for me at the same time.

*sigh* Love the mouse. The keyboard’s not nearly as nice as the Gateway branded keyboard, though. Feels kinda cheesy. Oh. Well. I can either add the Gateway-branded sensor back on and use the keyboard that goes with that or get used to this keyboard. I think I’ll try for the latter for now. Sure do like this mouse, though.

BTW, what the heck ever happened to LED indicators for CAPS/NUMLOCK, etc.? Maybe it’s a power-saving thingy. Oh, well. I’ll stuff some high-density foam under the CAPSLOCK key anyway pretty soon now so I don’t have to deal with my indifferent typing skills resulting in inadvertent ALL CAPS typing.

Oh, the “old” wireless keyboard/mouse combo? Spare. Always need spares. 🙂

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