The Road Ahead, 1.4

This might almost be “TRA, 3.2,” because controlling personal debt could easily be seen as a citizen’s duty… at least modeling the concept for our wonderful Triumvirate of Greed and Envy and the rest of the little piggies in Congress…

Fred Reed proves once again that anyone can say something of profound wisdom. Talking about recent news:

One story says that Americans owe some bizarre sum on the credit card and god knows how much on the McMansion and on the five-hundred horsepower riding mower with a mini-combine, backhoe attachment, and satellite GPS for mowing the half acre. I think I’m supposed to feel sorry for them. Actually I think they are a persuasive argument for eugenics.

I don’t get it. What is wrong with these idiots? Debt is easy to avoid. Herewith some blinding wisdom: If you can’t pay for it, don’t buy it.

“[O]we some bizarre sum on the credit card”? If you’ve begun implementing a frugal, tightwad lifestyle, then you’ll have a lil extra at the end of every month to stock your pantry, add to your collection of silver (or some other form of savings) and pay down your debt. If we pull through the next four years and emerge bloody but unbowed, well and good. You’ll be in better financial shape than your neighbors who kept trying to ride the credit gravy train.

But, IF (and it’s still a remote “if”) the SHTF and we find ourselves facing TEOTWAWKI (Ragnorak, Armagedon, whatever), you might think owing big bucks to your credit card companies would be no big deal. The big reset button will have cleared all your debt.

Bum thinking, dude. It’s all about owning up to personal responsibility. Surviving with integrity. For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his own soul,” as someone once said…

Think of it this way: pay down/pay off your debts and there’s no TEOTWAWKI event, you have the monkey off your financial back and you are an honorable person. Pay down/pay off your debts and TEOTWAWKI does happen, you can start over knowing you satisfied your honor and are free of the moral debt you owed to pay your financial debts. Both good things.

Individuals practicing personal responsibility: essential for victory over The Triumvirate of Greed and Envy*.

*What?!? No one commented on “Triumvirate” referring to “Greed and Envy” (just two things)? The “triumvirate” of greed and envy resides in… the third part of the equation: the person who allows them living space.

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