The Road Ahead, 1.1

I’m going to try to nibble away at dealing with a nation “ruled” by a Pelosi-Reid-Obama Trumvirate of Greed and Envy. Yes, I may settle on that label or another similar label that’s descriptive of the fundamental governmental policies of the Dhimmicrappic rule. Think about it: their base is founded upon class envy and stealing from workers to give to drones. Between them, they’ll run the two houses of Congress and the bureaucrappic nightmare that is the Executive branch of government–giving them full power to pack the judiciary with like-minded Cupidic Envycrats, so “Trumvirate of Greed and Envy” seems appropriate.

But enough of that. First nibble: suppose the “chicken in every pot” promise of Obama to take from the rich and give to the, well, not “poor” because there are too few really poor folk in America. Let’s say, “Give to folks who haven’t actually earned it.” How to deal with that?

OK, suppose you are someone who pays no federal income taxes, because your earnings are too low to have to. One can survive on such income but only by living very frugally. So, that’s the first thing you must do: live frugally. Do without convenience items. Do without luxury items. Redefine “essentials” to real esentials and live within your means. It can be done, and I know it can, because I and many millions of others have done so. Don’t whine, gripe and complain about “doing without” when you are fully capable of stocking your larder with decent food, putting clothes on your family’s backs, keeping a roof over your head. Just do it.

Then, suppose you do get one of those government welfare tax checks of money stolen from “the rich” (as redefined by the Trumvirate of Greed and Envy), what do you do? You can’t do the absolutely right and just and moral thing and track down the person the Trumvirate of Greed and Envy stole it from and give it back. Spend it on some of those luxury items you’ve been foregoing because they are outside your “pay as you go” frugal lifetyle (you have avoided credit card debt, etc., haven’t you? hmmm?)? That wouldn’t be right, and it would set the tone for other bad behaviors down the road.

How about this? Put that money to work doing the things it might well have been doing had the “rich” person(s) it was stolen from had it to work with: invest it in the economy in such a way as to encourage business/job growth. Find a well-performing mutual fund that focuses on areas of the stock market that have both done well–even through the current financial woes–and that create jobs through business growth. Look back over a five-ten year period or more. Learn ehat and where and how these funds have achieved their success. Avoid companies that participated heavily in the mortgage immorality of the past couple of decades. Put the money in where it can help create jobs, reap what rewards it offers and reinvest those as you can.

Take that general idea, and become a vest-pocket capitalist. Since you’ll be unable to return the wallet from the mugged “rich” person, stick it in the eye of the Trumvirate of Greed and Envy by chosing to do this for the good of the economy and for the poor souls whose finances have been raped by the Trumvirate of Greed and Envy–both the genuinely poor (who will be paying much higher hidden taxes as businesses are forced to pass increasing government-mandated expenses on in end-user pricing) and the “rich” who have been stolen from.

A well-performing mutual fund isn’t the only road to giving the stolen monies back to the economy, and there are other obvious ways to put the money where it will do some good for others, but it’s probably the easiest way with the pittance the Trumvirate of Greed and Envy may vomit up.

More to come as The Road Ahead continues…

Trackposted to The Pink Flamingo, Rosemary’s Thoughts, and The World According to Carl, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.