Continuing the Saga of Computer Fun

So, everything working on the new comp under Ubuntu 8.04 but the IR receiver and remote, but the driver search for that can continue for a while, since I still need to add an appropriate splitter and a new cable run for the TV card. The card itself is recognized just fine, but without a cable hookup or an external antenna (not very useful here in my part of America’s Third World County), actually tuning in any channels is not going to happen.

I guess I could hook up an FM antenna and have radio, but why? Sure, I’d not mind listening to Car Talk or Karl Haas or some such, but that’s not enough reason to play the radio through my PC when there’s a perfectly good radio already in the room I never listen to anyway.

This week: my DeoxIT Gold kit will be in, and I’ll disassemble the computer (heck, I’ll disassemble the one I’ve been tweaking and hardening for my dad as well) and treat all possible electrical contact points. (Heck, maybe I’ll finally clean up the pots n pans on an old AMR42 mixer I have sitting in tghe corner, too.)

On Ubuntu 8.04: Now that I’ve decided to make this my everyday comp, I’ll have to move my email stores on here and import them into Evolution. Yeh, this is the seventh or eighth different email client I’ve used in the past 15 or more years (not counting proprietary clients from MCIMail, AOL–yeh, I used it for a while back in the bad old metered proprietary AOL days before web browsers and regular everyday ISPs–Delphi or Compuserve) I think I’ll like Evolution. Reminds me more of Outlook (NOT Outlook Express) than Thunderbird or any of the other clients I’ve used recently. I’ll probably not be using the calendaring or group scheduling facilities much, since I have those built into my hosted account, and family members–the use I planned the thing for–can post their schedules any old time from any old where easily and securely. But as for its email functions: solid. Like it much.

As to setting up a media center comp that has several proprietary peripherals in Linux… not for the proverbial Aunt Tilly.

Still unhappy with WINE’s inability to run a couple of indispensable Windows apps, but that can fall to one of the Windows versions I’ve retired from other computers and installed in VirtualBox *heh*.

All-in-all, unless something unforeseen crops up, I see no real reason to have another Windows-based computer, unless, of course, “Windows 7” turns out to be a winner. But I’m not holding my breath.

Future (not so far down the road) changes to this comp:

Change out the 1GB of memory for 4GB. Pretty cheap performance enhancer.

Change out the power supply. I knew going in that I’d do ths, because the base comp has an inadequate power supply, and I knew that up front. BTW, this is probably one of the best things you can do to improve the reliability of any off-the-shelf consumer-grade PC. $50 will usually get you a decent power supply that’s at least 100% better than the one that came with whatever desktop you bought. $100 or so will get you a much better PC Power and Cooling power supply–a Very Good Thing.

I’ve waffled on the video card upgrade, and I’m kinda glad I did, because I’m gathering a LOT of info about what Linux in general and Ubntu in particular “likes” and the two I was considering… won’t make the cut for my final choice. In any case, a 512MB nVidia PCIex card will be it, but which one? The jury’s still out. Meanwhile, the 6100 6150SE series nVidia chipset onboard graphics is enough for some nice Gnome-ish slaps in the face to Vista eye candy. *heh*

Eventually, I’ll upgrade my speaker system. I’m using a venerable Harmon Kardon (HP rebranded) set now, but it’s not really surround sound capable, and with the media center stuff, I think I’d like to use the 5+1 Soundblaster card I added (pulled from another, now retired, computer) to more effect (or heck, even the 7+1 onboard sound).

Down the road a little further, I may look at a wireless networking solution for this comp. My Wonder Woman’s notebook does well here at twc central, working with our Netgear WPN824. It’s only b-g, but the multiple antennas mean solid connections, and the security features are more than we need here in our corner of America’s Third World County where the nearest other wireless network is wide open, unsecured at all, at all. *heh* Temptations. Still, the only wireless adapters I have to add to this one are old 802.11b adapters. Good ones, but slower than I would want. The Netgear WG111 USB Wireless Adapter is very good for some applications (when Lovely Daughter’s built in adapter went blooie, this was a perfect solution for her lil Vaio laptop), but the Engenius / EUB-362 EXT, though about 3X the price, seems more likely to be the direction I’d go.

Apart from those near term upgrades, I don’t see a lot left to do to this but tweak the software. I don’t necessarily want to learn how to write my own drivers for the IR input devices, but it’d be a learning experience if it came to that, now wouldn’t it? Well, at least the multimedia keyboard was recognized and configured w/o a hitch. That’s something, isn’t it? πŸ™‚ Heck, even the “Mail,” “Search” and “Browser” buttons work, along with the “regular” multimedia buttons. That Ubuntu magic at work, I guess.

Still, again I’d say that setting up this computer using Ubuntu 8.04 hasn’t been a task for “Aunt Tilly.” But now that it’s (mostly) set up, anyone could sit down and do anything they’d do on another computer running another OS just about as easily as in something more common.

Tell ya what. If you’re a Windows user, why not download and invoke Wubi and give Ubuntu a no-hassle shot?

The Great Seal of Obamaland

Even the New York Slimes can smell the effrontery of Mr. I Sure Hope They Don’t See the Changes Coming! This ego trip by one whose deusions of adequacy are becoming legend would be laughable if he weren’t actually a presidential candidate.

What a Maroon!

Oh, forgot a tip o’ the tam to my Wonder Woman who clued me in on this first.

NOTE: TF Stern has some thoughts on this topic that are worth reading.

Trackposted to Outside the Beltway, Rosemary’s Thoughts, The World According to Carl, Stuck On Stupid, The Pink Flamingo, Cao’s Blog,, Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker, Democrat=Socialist, Dumb Ox Daily News, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Drive-by, virtualized

OK, new comp nearly finished… for now. Don’t (yet) have USB properly configured in the virtualized XP box running under Ubuntu/VirtualBox (yeh, got it running, anyway), so I’m not using Opera Portable to write this post but Internet Exploder. ‘S’all right. Anything I might “catch” because of its notoriously “holey” nature is confined to this virtual machine. Heck, maybe I could intall Sandboxie in this XP virtual machine and have things doubly sequestered from my “real” machine. *heh*

No biggies, just fun.

Not Exactly Reindeer Games…

Warming up just a tad, but in the low 80s (as in 81 degrees fahrenheit in my no A/C, just windows open office) for the latter part of June? Not too shabby. Heck, the humidity is even in the low 1,000s% range *heh* (Yeh, it is humid enough to drown fish.)

Anywho, after much debate with the voices in my head, I ended up not building a new box from separate components. What I did instead was buy a “debranded” media center comp that I could seriously upgrade. Now, that does mean it came w/o the media center OS it was originally built for, and specific drivers for some of the components are “fun” to track down (drivers for the IR reciever and remote will likely be the most fun to hunt down). It also means I need to buy some more cable to build a new run to the computer (and not incidentally, another–better–splitter; split once into two, then again; one straight to cable “modem” and three runs to other places, for now).

Just more techie fun.

Still, for dirt cheap, an AMD 64X2 5600+ base system with a gig of memory (which I’m going to hand off to someone else–already selected, so don’t put in any requests :-)–and replace with 4GB), a competent sound/vid setup… which I will upgrade, and lotsa nice lil goodies including a nice TV Tuner card, bunches of media connections front and back and enough open PCI slots (one PCIex-1 is taken up already and the PCIex-16 is just waiting on a new vidcard). Oh, the 300W power supply is also scheduled for replacement. I have a nice 450W ps I can use in it until I get the PC Power and Cooling “Rolls Royce” ps I have my eye on, so I’m not screaming bloddy murder about a wimpy ps in my box.

Of course, no OS, media center, all that jazz, means it’s currently running Ubuntu 8.04 with MythTV, but as soon as I plop VirtualBox on, I’ll also install WinXP Pro-64 and hunt around for the usual stuff to use with it. Then, drag out some old software and install Win98 in another VirtualBox, so I can use Encore with it (cos it still doesn’t run under WINE).

UPDATE: *grrr* 64-bit CPU. 64-bit OS. 64-bit version of Virtualbox. Attempt to install 64-bit WinXPP, error: “Attempting to load an x64 operating system, however this CPU is not compatible with x64 mode. Please install a 32-bit X86 operating system.” The only XPP I have available that’s not been installed elsewhere is a 64-bit version. Looks like I’ll have to uninstall VirtualBox and go with VMware, instead. Sad, cos I really like the way VirtualBox sets things up. Oh. Well.

Other fun?my Wonder Woman’s Toshiba is at the “repair depot” for an LCD issue, so… have a desktop compy set up in the living room for her use. Kinda clunky solution, but at least she can chjeck her email and watch Stargate SG-1 reruns simultaneously. *heh*

Still getting above 40mpg in my lil 11-year-old Saturn. Even with “idjits” driving in front of me on two-lane roads that’re largely solid Ozarkian no passing zones.

Example: heading outa town (to another Third World County town about 10 miles away). Traffic stacked up for nearly a mile at nearly 30mph in the 55mph zone. Yep. Some 300 pound idjit on a motor scooter that he could probably push faster than it can carry him.

Now, at 30mph on a level road, I have to keep the lil car in 4th gear. That translates to about 1,500rpm. 45mph, I can use 5th gear… also 1,500rpm. 55mph is not quite 1,800rpm on the same level roadway.

But there I am lugging along at under 30mph, almost 1,500 rpm behind some idjit, wasting fuel.

Oh. Well. Lotsa those folks “driving” around, and I still got 42mpg on my last fill up (about 1mpg more than my porevious fill up–it’ll balance out, perhaps).

Imagine what kind of fuel economy I’d get if even a few of the idjits were to park their cars and attempt to master the intellectual challenge of putting one foot in front of the other…



Via email (thanks, Hugh):

And you’d better hope he leaves you that much change…

While that doesn’t say it all by a long shot, it does say something genuine and important.

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T-13; 2.X-repeat: 13 Things to Hate about the IRS


This is an easy one, except for the part about limiting it to thirteen things…

1. The taxpayer is always guilty until proven innocent.

2. Withholding. See #1 and add in, “Where’s the interest on the money stolen before it’s really due on April 15?”

3. The forms, the forms… *arrrrrggghhhh!*

4. About #3… I’m sure the IRS can make the print smaller and the paper of crappier rag, but I’m unsure whether they chose the ink for its ability to cause an allergic reaction leading to total mental breakdown or if that’s just a psycosomatic reaction…

5. “Advice” from the IRS. First, can ya think “Conflict of interest”? Then, go ahead: ask the same question of three (or four) folks with the IRS. You’ll probably recieve four (or five) contradictory answers, most of them designed to cause you to get a nastly letter down the pike from someone else (or sometimes the same dumbasses) saying you are in error for following their counsel. Catch 10648 (that’s Catch 22 cubed).

6. Following on 5, if the IRS makes a mistake, IT IS YOUR FAULT. Remember that one: IT IS ALWAYS YOUR FAULT. It’s a simple corrollary of number 1.

7. Paying the borg for the priviledge of being financially and mentally raped. Thank you, Mr. Revenooer… We pay the IRS’s wages, exhorbitant operating expenses (and screwups associated with “updating” the RS’s antiquated computer systems, etc.). So, naturally, as with other feddle gummint bureaucracies, those who pay the costs are the slaves of the servant. Figures. (See the Kipling cited in “Read more here” below *sigh*).

8. The lies I. The taxes you pay to the IRS on or before the April 15 deadline every year reflects your effective tax rate to the feddle gummint, right? Nope. That’s a baldfaced lie. You also pay ALL the taxes on ALL the goods and services (added up all down the supply chain to the end user/consumer) of ALL the businesses producing goods and services you purchase (on those goods and services you purchase). Your effective tax rate is really more like at least double what you see on April 15 every year.

9. The Lies II: Pictures like this at the smarmy IRS website:


Instead of the more honest:


10. The very thought of IRS drones feeding at the public trough. Just think: if even half of them worked at productive jobs instead (while the other half went on the public dole), we’d be far, far better off.

11. Tax courts. See #1 again.

12. Damned snoops! (And I think I may well be using the term with theological accuracy–*heh*) Even friends of tax collectors get their own place in Dante’s Inferno, IIRC…

13. The ultimate indignity: being forced, by a monstrous tax code, to pay one shark (or more!–tax lawyer, accountant, TurboTax *spit*, whomever) to snatch a small portion of one’s carcass from the jaws of a bigger shark.

I could rail all day, but then I’d probably be singled out (may well be already) for harrassment by the IRS.

Trackposted to Outside the Beltway, The Pink Flamingo, Rosemary’s Thoughts, Allie is Wired, Democrat=Socialist, CORSARI D’ITALIA, and Pursuing Holiness, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

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Semi-Random Wednesday

Just a few things that have crossed my mind today (some of them moving like The Flash!, so I only caught a brief glimpse as they passed *heh* Yeh, even that link’s moving so fast it’s a couple of years in the future already… )

In the mid 60s here in my twc central office. A/C? No, just a window open. In the third week of June. Hugely atypical temps for America’s Third World County in June, let alone 2/3 of the way through the month and toward July… Must be global warming, eh?

Ya know, I could average much better than my typical 40+mpg in my lil ’97 Saturn if the “idjits” would just pull over and park. *sigh* Once again, let me remind you of Lovely Daughter’s GREAT idea: take the cars away from those who are dumber than a bag of (rusty) hammers and just give ’em to folks who can drive. Sure, it’d wipe out what’s left of Detroit, but would that be a bad thing?

Building and testing and tweaking this “new” computer for my dad has reminded me that it is too possible to have a stable, moderately nimble Windows XP computer. It just takes a lot more work than consumer computer manufacturers are willing (or economically able) to put into a box. Most of the value added to this box is in the “blood and toil and sweat and tears” *heh* spent in chasing down lil issues before they can become bigger ones. Like, installing a much better power supply than a Dell or HP can “afford” to use in a machine (cos cheapo consumers won’t pay for it); using a good anti-corrosion/contact-enhancement treatment on cards, chips, etc. (materials-expensive and labor intensive); cleaning all the crap out of a standard WinXP installation and making a restorable disk image of the OS (with programs and data being on a separate partition, as much as possible), etc.

Takes time and expertise: both things consumer-grade computers will NOT have invested in them right out of the box.

For the non-tech-savvy, Logmein is a really cool way to make sure your tech-savvy friend(s) you ask to “help you out” (fixing the problems a non-tech-savvy user creates–*heh*) can access your computer remotely to do maintenance. It’s not so cool if said tech-savvy friend(s) only have Linux boxes, cos Logmein is only for Windows/Mac environment (but hey! if the tech-savvy Linux users don’t have a Windows install running in a virtual machine on their boxes–just for things like this–then they’re not all that tech savvy after all, are they? :-))

In other thoughts flashing before my eyes (or being babbled about by the voices in my head)…

So, Barry Hussein Obamasiah-Winfrey has a foreign policy advisor who thinks we ought to mold our foreign policy after the philosophy of Winnie the Pooh, eh? It makes a certain sense, you know. First, anyone else notice that the beloved children’s icon is named after “Number Two? Sure, it’s a variant spelling, but number two=poo=pooh, as far as I can tell.

So, with so much poo (or pooh) being spouted daily by Barry Hussein Obamasiah-Winfrey (and his minions) in place of anything of substance, it only makes sense that any “foreign policy” issuing from the same pie holes would be just more bovine scatological effluent.

Heck, the Barry Hussein Obamasiah-Winfrey campaign will NEVER need any SHAMpoo the way it’s generating the real thing in such prodigious amounts…

Trackposted to The Virtuous Republic, Allie is Wired, Right Truth, The World According to Carl, The Pink Flamingo, Stuck On Stupid, Leaning Straight Up, Democrat=Socialist, , and Conservative Cat, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Issues and Answers 2.01

Energy policy. No matter how much we work to reform tax policy to get the “feddle gummint” out of savings/investment policy and level the international trade playing field a bit, with the energy lashup that passes for “feddle gummint” policy we now have in place, our economy is hamstrung, our billions are being sent OUT of this country, largely to third world thugs, and we face a future of spiraling inflation.

The answer is complex but can start with one simple thing: learn some commonsense steps we can take NOW… and take them.

See American Solutions for more.

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Issues and Answers 1.02

Yesterday, I posted a video intro to The FairTax as an intro to the idea that real tax reform can have the single greatest ameliorative effect on our economic woes by introducing The FairTax. Today, part two:

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Issues and Answers 1.01

Of the many issues facing citizens nowadays, it’s easy to say that the answer to “What’s toward the top of your current concerns?” would be “It’s the economy, stupid.”

And, beyond simple concerns about oil/gasoline proices and the closely related rise in costs of concumer goods, that’s a very good answer. But it’s important that we understand that our economic problems go far beyond percieved consumer pain caused by rising costs and relatively stagnant wages. Think of several even more important, deeply embedded issues:

The primary “weapon” with which the U.S. used to bring down the Soviet Union was to sucker the soviets into attempting to compete with our economy. And still today, our best largely unused weapon against enemies such as Islamic terrorism is our economy. That’s something even a noncom fighting in Afganistan recognizes (a long read, and the economic observations are buried well down, but a read wll worth your time. h.t. Rosenary’s Thoughts).

Suffice it to say, every effort made by our politicians *spit* to weaken our economy both in obvious ways and in obscure, structural ways, is working. The dollar is at its weakest in decades; our trade imbalance is growing; our indebtedness as a nation is worsening. What to do?

Let’s start with some common sense steps. Step number 1 (even more important than Drill Here-Drill Now): Embrace the FairTax.

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