Compy Update/Stuff

The folks over at WINEHQ are proving themselves to be champs. Dan Kegel posted a couple of replies to my post mentioning WINE directing me to submit (and what to submit) bug reports on those issues that were putting me off using it for “critical” (to me) apps. Actually, it really just comes down to one uber-critical app for me.

And the contributors there have been patient with me as my sleep-deprived, under-caffeinated brain failed to check the docs more carefully for such things as classifications of bug severity and lil notices in emails that say, DO NOT RESPOND TO THIS EMAIL *LOL*. (Of course, a “Normal” bug that chops out major portions of an app’s functionaity doesn’t seem “Normal” to me, but I’m just as WINE user with little no experience in how “Major” bugs affect things. I’m sure I’ll learn. Or not, epending on how many brain cells are left and how much time I have left to learn… But at least one of the developers was kind enough to send me a link to the bug classification list. *DUH* The link was right next to the dropdown list for bug severity classification. Major case of The Stupids here. :-))

Continue reading “Compy Update/Stuff”

“*heh*” of the day

Speaking of our options in presidential candidates,

“I know the temptation: Write in Cthulhu. Why Settle for a Lesser Evil?”–Jerry Pournelle

*heh* indeed…

Of course, he does go on to point out one of the (very, very few–like, maybe two? Three?) positive things Juan Mexicain brings to the table that Barry Hussein Obama-Winfrey lacks.

Put on your hazmat gear before you approach the voting booth come November and go ahead and pull the lever (or hang the chad) for the lesser evil, I suppose…

Trackposted to Perri Nelson’s Website, The Pink Flamingo, Rosemary’s Thoughts, The Random Yak, The World According to Carl, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Amen Corner

For Hugh, who invoked the tune in comments yesterday:


(For reference, see yesterday’s rambling post, “DWUC” for what Hugh was “Amening”)

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