The Great Seal of Obamaland

Even the New York Slimes can smell the effrontery of Mr. I Sure Hope They Don’t See the Changes Coming! This ego trip by one whose deusions of adequacy are becoming legend would be laughable if he weren’t actually a presidential candidate.

What a Maroon!

Oh, forgot a tip o’ the tam to my Wonder Woman who clued me in on this first.

NOTE: TF Stern has some thoughts on this topic that are worth reading.

Trackposted to Outside the Beltway, Rosemary’s Thoughts, The World According to Carl, Stuck On Stupid, The Pink Flamingo, Cao’s Blog,, Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker, Democrat=Socialist, Dumb Ox Daily News, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Drive-by, virtualized

OK, new comp nearly finished… for now. Don’t (yet) have USB properly configured in the virtualized XP box running under Ubuntu/VirtualBox (yeh, got it running, anyway), so I’m not using Opera Portable to write this post but Internet Exploder. ‘S’all right. Anything I might “catch” because of its notoriously “holey” nature is confined to this virtual machine. Heck, maybe I could intall Sandboxie in this XP virtual machine and have things doubly sequestered from my “real” machine. *heh*

No biggies, just fun.