Skeptical Thought for the Weekend

Some might consider the following quote to be an example not of skepticism but of cynicism, but the differences between the two outlooks cannot be more profoundly illustrated. The cynic will habitually believe ill of whatever object or subject he regards. The skeptic will withold judgement until the weight of evidence is convincing one way or another.

I submit that the author of the following had enough evidence by the time he said such a thing to have arrived at a thoughtful assessment. I’m about the same age as he was when he said it, I believe, and I have, after much kicking and screaming and weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth, been dragged forcefully by facts to believe the same:

“As Democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.”–H.L. Mencken, 1880-1956

I submit for your consideration the current crop of presidential candidates. “Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right… ”

Who’d-a thunk it? Steeler Wheel as the prophets of doom?

Trackposted to Outside the Beltway, Rosemary’s Thoughts, Right Truth, Leaning Straight Up, The Amboy Times, Cao’s Blog, Democrat=Socialist, Adeline and Hazel, Faultline USA, McCain Blogs, The World According to Carl, Blue Star Chronicles, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker, Wolf Pangloss, Right Voices, and The Yankee Sailor, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe

Why Was Stonehenge Built?

You know, once upon a time, long, long ago, when I was very young and very, very stupid (yes, even more stupid than I am now), I subscribed to the aphorism that there are no stupid questions.

Time, experience and some sometimes very painful lessons have proven the stupidity of that aphorism.

And so, I have come to realize that some questions, especially some posed archly by those who suppose they have answers to offer, are stupid questions.

“Why was Stonehenge built?”–offered by yet another dumbass supposing they have discovered “the” answer, is one such stupid question.

Look, the only way we can know why Stonehenge was built is to ask the people who built it, because no one left us any written statement of purpose for the place. We may infer certain hypotheses from whatever information is there, but absent a clear, unequivocal statement from the builders, any supposition about why it was built is simply that: supposition.

So, go back in time and ask the builders. Oh, while you are traveling back in time to ask, be sure to travel back in space to where the Earth was at the time, since it’s moving away from its present position in our galaxy (along with the sun, the moon and all the stars we can see in their respective places) at an enormous rate of speed. (One of the problems with “time travel” as posited in science fiction is suspending disbelief in order to read/watch the stuff when time travel is mentioned, cos even if the position in time problem is solved, the position in space problem is almost never dealt with in any way, shape, fashion of form.)

And “Why was Stonehenge built?” is only one of numerous stupid questions asked–and that’s just in the class of “Stupid questions that cannot be answered” class. Another obvious class of stupid questions is the political class, containing such questions as, “Why do politicians feel the need to assuage the feelings of and otherwise pander to criminals?” Why is that a stupid question you ask? ( Now THAT’S a stupid question! :-)) Because the answer’s so obvious, of course. Politicians *spit* pandering to criminals has two very, very obvious reasons:

1. Most politicians *spit* are simply a subclass of criminal and
2. Law-abiding citizens strike no fear into political poltroons, whereas other fellow-members of the criminal class are indeed often powers to fear, because another aphorism of my youth is true: there is no honor among thieves (though there may be a cameraderie of like minds, of a sort, e.g., a congresscriter’s disingenuous reference to an “opponent” as “My esteemed colleague… ” instead of the more honest, “My partner in crime… “).

So, BOLO for stupid questions and their even stupider answers. You can most easily filter for stupid questions by asking yourself who is posing it. For example, stupid questions are most often posed by

politicians *spit*
Mass Media Podpeople
Academia Nut Fruitcakes

And other pompous gasbags.

This has been a public service announcement from America’s Third World County.

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Whatta day…

Today started out wonderfully. First up: dragging my allergy-aching joints outa a finally-attained REM sleep cycle.

Oh, well. Another chance for real sleep tonight.

Things to do, things to do… must I really do them?
(“Yes,” comes the answer, loudly and clearly. *heh*)

Thankfully (or not, depending on the viewpoint–I voted mostly “Not” :-)), the winds of fortune blew cold on my internet connection today. Ongoing repairs to the repairs on damage from recent heavy storms took out our cable connection (and TV, too–on my Wonder Woman’s first day officially out of school–“officially” I say, because she has piles and piles of work to prepare for next year’s onslaught of piles and piles–and even more piles and piles–of bureucrappic jiggling required to keep her libraries “certified”. ‘S’OK, the cable was out cos she really does need to keep cranking for a while before decompressing ).

Meanwhile, with my broadband out (and our backup dialup dead, defunct, iced, whacked, gone baby gone), I had no option but to actually, well, get some things done that I’d been deferring. (Yeh, finally back online in late afternoon.)

In the mess of things (still managing to avoid a buncha things, of course–practice doesn’t make perfect, but it does afford interesting ways to make mistakes) was a teensy lil project for my Wonder Woman–transferring the main elements of her primary office’s “brag wall” to the wall by her desk here at home. Nothing much, just some diplomas and her Phi Kappa Phi membership cert. Looks nice. My own “brag wall” is bare by comparison; I have managed to lose some diplomas (yeh, yeh, I know they’re probably in boxes somewhere) sometime in the last few moves. No sweat. Probably in a box marked “dung” somewhere. *heh* (That’s what the file Dad-Dad kept all his diplomas and “honors” in was labeled as, and I seem to recall having affected such a convention at one time.)

No, I am NOT mowing the lawn this evening. Maybe tomorrow evening, sometime before my Wonder Woman and I watch a video she’s been waiting for. I’m sure I’ll enjoy the garlic popcorn and the company, and that’s enough reason to “watch” a video with her. (Heck, I watched Ratatouille with her, didn’t I? And yes, the garlic popcorn and the company were great. :-))

Of “Snips and Snails and… ” Locusts

Olde Phartes can be “little boys” too. *heh*

Tuesday was eaten by the less creative side of ADHD. Details, details, details. Oh. Well. Wednesday is another day, eh?

What have we in the public square today?

An ex-presidential press secretary demonstrates that if one associates with Mass Media Podpeople long enough, one almost inevitably, in a nowadays not-so-remarkable display of reverse peristalsis, begins to spew shit. Dog bites man. *yawn*

The Hildebeast–SHOCK!–actually knows the chronology of the 1968 presidential race (or at least some of it). What an amazing, “newsworthy” thing! Again: dog-man-yawn. Of course, she does still have a tin ear for off-the-cuff remarks.

Meanwhile, Michelle Obamamama is just hunky dory with Barry Hussein Obama-Winfrey going out to the gas station while black. (Again, as someone who’s witnessed “up close and personal”–as in, “standing between the participants” *heh*–black on black gunfire, dog-man-yawn.)

Juan Mexicain reneges on border control before amnesty (not that that was a decent stance to begin with). Dog-man-yawn… What?!?! You thought he was at least an “honorable man”? He’s a 100%, dyed-in-the-wool politician *spit*, dummie.

Scratch that: he’s a He’s a 100%, dyed-in-the-wool American politician *spit*, dummie. Here’s some REAL news from the world of politics, grownup style; “Man bites dog” news! *heh* Czech President Vaclav Klaus has thrown down the gauntlet to Algore and his lying loonies:

Czech President Vaclav Klaus said Tuesday he is ready to debate Al Gore about global warming, as he presented the English version of his latest book that argues environmentalism poses a threat to basic human freedoms.

Well, dress me up as flabbergasted and fry me in lard. A politician with balls and brains. Let’s amend the constitution to allow intelligent, principled people to run for president. Yeh, the amendment will be required, because we’ll apparently have to import them from Czechoslovakia.

I can just see that Cowardly Liar (or Lying Cowardly Dog) agreeing to debate a grownup on his lies. Not. (“Cowardly Liar”? Well, the liar part’s a given, just on the public record. Cowardly though? What else would you call someone who will not allow any questions he hasn’t approved in advance and who refuses to allow actual recordings of his speeches? In my book that makes him an intellectual chickenshit.)

Future News: Newsflash! Gore ducks debate!

Nah, the Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind would never report that.

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Memorial Day Curmudgeonry

What?!? Curmudgeonry on Memorial Day?!?


Memorial Day, originally called Decoration Day, is a day of remembrance for those who have died in our nation’s service.

And so it ought to be ever. But. Along with all the very suitable observances in honor of “those who have died in our nation’s service,” what has happened in our ever more debased society is that folks have more and more taken this observance as an opportunity for lesser “observances” of various kinds:

just another holiday for attending (or simply couch-potatoing) sports events, barbequeues, ordinary recreation

religious observances that illegitimately conflate the worship of God and “worship” of country (*yech*)

remembrance of any old family member or whatever who’s passed away (not in service to country)

No, most of those things aren’t necessarily bad things to do (well, sitting on ones kiester watching someone else accomplish something–no matter how worthless the accomplishment, couch potato style–is just a waste of time any time one does it). But NONE of those serve to honor our country’s fallen, and all do dishonor to those who gave their lives to preserve our liberties by the cheapening of Memorial Day, as long as those things are the focus of the holiday.

(OK, one of those things is just wrong in and of itself–far, far worse than laying couch potato. I’ll let you infer which I choose.)

Ah, but it’s all in the life of the Common Man: everything reduced not just to the lowest common denominator but reduced to the lowest denominator, period, as with everything else in our society: music, (graphic and performance) art, so-called literature, politics, public discourse (lower than low, that is, the Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind sets the agenda and controls the dialogue monologue).


Instead of any of those lesser “observances” above, consider Moina Michael‘s observation in response to John McRae’s “In FLanders Fields,”

We Shall Keep the Faith

by Moina Michael, November 1918

Oh! you who sleep in Flanders Fields,
Sleep sweet – to rise anew!
We caught the torch you threw
And holding high, we keep the Faith
With All who died.

We cherish, too, the poppy red
That grows on fields where valor led;
It seems to signal to the skies
That blood of heroes never dies,
But lends a lustre to the red
Of the flower that blooms above the dead
In Flanders Fields.

And now the Torch and Poppy Red
We wear in honor of our dead.
Fear not that ye have died for naught;
We’ll teach the lesson that ye wrought
In Flanders Fields.

And buy a poppy (“make a donation” :-)) from the VFW member selling them at WallyWorld or wherever while you’re out and about.

And wear it.

It’s the least you can do.

But further,

In Flanders Fields

by John McCrae, May 1915

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep,
though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

Yes, I added the emphasis to McRae’s words. Heed them well, especially in this election year. The “foe” with whom we must “quarrel” nowadays may look and sound a bit different than in McRae’s 1915 or Michael’s 1918, but at least they’re easy to spot: they’re all running for office.

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Panic In Postville

By Nancy Matthis at ADMC

The Federal immigration raid last Monday in Postville, Iowa evoked all the stereotypical dramas — illegal aliens, identity theft, stolen Social Security cards, underage workers, worker abuse, a drug lab, a local school system burdened with illegal Hispanic children, a Protestant (mostly Lutheran) small town co-opted by Jewish business interests, Jewish businessmen skirting the law to turn an extra buck, a Catholic church offering sanctuary, an American labor union pitted against the Jewish businessmen who were hiring the cheaper illegal labor, a clash between two US government agencies with competing jurisdiction, pandering politicians scrambling to collect points with the Hispanic vote, liberal sympathizers supporting illegals in suing the government, foreign consulates sticking their noses in, protests that the civil rights of these criminal invaders have been violated and finally the WaPo putting a liberal spin on the news.

It is the stuff of opera, but this plot would be difficult to stage, because there are so many sub-themes that an audience could not follow the action. Ditto for the American public, trying to follow this in the mainstream news media that omit relevant background out of political correctness.

Illegal Aliens

Last Monday, on May 12 at 10 AM in the morning, federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents raided the world’s largest kosher meat packing plant, located in Postville, Iowa. From the Waterloo/Cedar Falls Courier:

Federal agents converged on the grounds of the Agriprocessors meat-packing plant in Postville at 10 a.m., rounding up Hispanics on investigations of identity theft, use of stolen Social Security cards and for people in the county illegally. As many as 300 people were arrested….

The raid by agents from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement was the largest such operation in Iowa history, said Matt M. Dummermuth, U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Iowa.

He said the raid at the Agriprocessors Inc. plant was part of an investigation that started in October and came after months of planning. Agriprocessors is the world’s largest kosher meatpacking plant….

Underage Workers

Continue reading “Panic In Postville”

Vital Signs

Some signs that the electorate is too stupid for the job it has:

Sitcoms. Slick cons making money off shows so stupid they have to have laugh tracks to tell the idiots who watch them when they’re “funny”. And those same idiots can vote.

Nightly “News” programs. People still watch these transparent propaganda things? Yes, they do. In a sane society, those who watch nightly “news” programs from the Mass Media Podpeople’s Hivemind would have their ballots sent straight to the crapper.

Contemporary so-called “music” and other entertainment. Heck, just the fact that the new Indiana Jones movie is blockbuster news (even I, avoiding TV bubblehad “news” like the plague, haven’t been able to escape the blitz) is enough to convince a sane person that our society has gone round the bend.

Congress. That this organ is filled with liars, poltroons, idiots, scumbags and creeps is evidence that the electorate is too stupid or corrupt (or both) to do its job properly.

Examples abound: our society is full to the brim with “people” (maybe they’re just minor podpeople performing the scut work for the Mass Media Podpeople’s Hivemind, who knows?) who are dumber than a bag of hammers… and still get to vote.

We are doomed. Doomed, I say.

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Whither Now, Conservative?

A Few Shiny Pebbles notes the serious problem of articulating conservative first principles. That’s nothing new. I could wish that American Conservatism did not conform to the model that R.L. Dabney noted in the 19th Century, but wishes alone ain’t gonna wash the dog…

“Conservatism’s history has been that it demurs to each aggression of the progressive party, and aims to save its credit by a respectable amount of growling, but always acquiesces at last in the innovation. What was the resisted novelty of yesterday is today one of the accepted principles of conservatism; it is now conservative only in affecting to resist the next innovation, which will tomorrow be forced upon its timidity and will be succeeded by some third revolution, to be denounced and then adopted in its turn. American conservatism is merely the shadow that follows Radicalism as it moves forward to perdition. It remains behind it, but never retards it, and always advances near its leader. This pretended salt hath utterly lost its savor: wherewith shall it be salted? Its impotency is not hard to explain. It is worthless because it is the conservatism of expediency only, and not of sturdy principle. It tends to risk nothing serious for the sake of truth.”

As I said much earlier (January 21, 2008) in this election cycle regarding the choices being offered us for the presidential race (choices that by and large reflect the choices also offered us in other races),

Folks, the only difference of opinion that bears on elections of late is this: do you or do you not favor scrapping America in order to make it over into a fledgling third world country, as France, et al are attempting to do in Europe? Each and every one of the potential candidates [running for office as Dhims, and most who are running as Repubs *sigh*] are in favor of policies that would Frenchify America even further. It is still possible that the Republican’ts may come up with a candidate who is willing to at least drag his feet in approaching the ultimate goal of pulling America down to the level of Mexico or Saudi Arabia or Iran or even *shudder* France.

Remember: modern “liberalism” (which is not liberal in any rational sense of the word) has as its ultimate goal is to destroy the America the Founders left us. Nothing else will satisfy the left’s cravings for multiculturalist, divisive victim identity, statist anarcho-tyranny politics.

And, looking at most Repugnican’t candidates for federal offices, how much less do they advocate multiculturalist, divisive victim identity, statist anarcho-tyranny politics?

About 1/2 ounce less.

Want to clarify conservatism? Start with this–but unlike the current crop of politicians *spit* you must MEAN it–with every fiber of your being proclaim:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

(Yes, I added emphasis to a portion not usually cited.)

THEN, read through the “long train of abuses” and ask yourself: Would the Founders long endure the “long train of abuses” of life, liberty and property our current government regularly inflicts upon The People today?

Government sponsored baby killing
Ruby Ridge, Waco
Martha Stewart, Ramos and Compean, et-oh-so-many-al
Promotion of the Cult of Hate and persecution of the religion that teaches, “Love your enemy”
Punitive taxation of the productive and subsidy of the slackers
Punishment of citizens in order to reward outlaws (the Bush-McCain-Kennedy amnesty bill for ILLEGAL aliens comes readily to mind here)

Failure at every level to protect citizens from its own abuses is becoming the hallmark of our own Federal government.

Is it time for a rearticulation of the Declaration of Independence? Maybe, but do note the header quote for this blog:

“In a democracy (“rule by mob”), those who refuse to learn from history are usually in the majority and dictate that everyone else suffer for their ignorance.”-third world county’s corollary of Santayana’s Axiom

Makes one wish for an electorate that matched the Founders’ model more closely, eh?

Any political conservatism that does not focus on protecting The People’s life, liberty and property is not conservatism at all, but something very like Dabney’s description. Any political aims that threaten The People’s lives, liberties or property must be eliminated from so-called conservatives’ lexicon of political aims. Still, one must work with what one has, unless another Revolution is forced upon the few remaining conservatives in this nation (and I do not doubt that there are far too few who possess the Founders’ conservative values for such a thing to ever come to pass), and so, even though some of the suggestions below make use of Federal usurpation of People’s and States’ rights and responsibilities, let’s start with what we have:

Given: that the Federal government has far too much influence on “energy policy”; it ought at least to focus that policy on protecting its citizens from foreign limitations on their “pursuit of happiness” instead of playing footsie with such as the Saudis who export not only overpriced oil but jihadism.

Energy policy: allow the exploitation of ALL known oil deposits; remove artificial Federal barriers to atomic energy production; remove artificial Federal barriers to building new refineries; remove artificial (and, frankly, harmful) barriers to oil manufacture via small TDP plants, etc.; scrap NASA and in its place offer “X Prizes” for space ventures focused on energy production (and resource enhancement–see Pournelle’s “A Step Farther Out” for examples): these would be a start.

Given: the Federal tax structure is not only a mess, it penalizes productivity and thrift and is exactly the kind of taxation the Founders saw as abusive. The Fair tax would return our Federal government to something more like the Founders envisioned, while still affording a realistic nod to current Federal excesses of non-constitutional (and thus illegitimate) authority by continuing the current funding levels. I have read all the critiques of The Fair Tax I can get my hands on and have reluctantly concluded that almost all the critics (all of the critics I’ve seen in Mass Media Podpeople bloviations) I have read are either idiots or liars. Get the facts. No, the real facts.

Given: the Federal government is doing damn all to protect its citizens from foreign invaders. 20,000,000 or more illegal aliens; at least 80% of them Mexicans entering through our southern border. And what do our federales want to do? Roll over on their backs and pee themselves like submissive puppies, lapdogs to successive Mexican regimes. Close the damned borders. Close them and allow people through ONLY at official gateways and ONLY according to already established law. Prosecute to the fullest extent of the law each and every employer of illegal aliens. Deny ALL Federal funding to ALL agencies, municipalities, states that provide social services to illegal aliens (yes, I mean schools and hospitals as well). Recognize and effect policy to reflect the FACT that by entering our country in defiance of our laws, illegal aliens have asserted that they are NOT under our jurisdiction and so they are NOT under legal protection, either. Make our country so very harshly inimical to ILLEGAL aliens (and warmly friendly to LEGAL aliens) that the masses of alien invaders will seek to return to their own lands.

There’s more, of course, but you get the drift: protection of CITIZENS’ lives, liberties and property is the legitimate function of our government. Anything else is just cause for rebellion. And that’s exactly what we need at the polls: rebellion. Mass write-ins. We need, as well, to harass–yes, harass–any congresscritter who allows or encourages abuse of citizens to continue. We can do it nicely for a while, perhaps, but if such abuse continues, then a genuine “fairness doctrine” would assert that those who encourage or allow such abuses to continue ought to be themselves abused. Excoriation in print, in person, via phone; campaigns for removal from office; continual denunciations to each and every person of our acquaintance: these and more are the just due of any politician who does not FIRST seek to PROTECT the lives, liberties and property of his constituents, whether from outlaws or from an outlaw government that simply legislates outlawry. (Yeh, the perfect definition of anarcho-tyranny: when government becomes THE Outlaw Gang.)

Trackposted to Rosemary’s Thoughts, Allie is Wired, McCain Blogs, Right Truth, DragonLady’s World, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Dumb Ox Daily News, Conservative Cat, Right Voices, and The Yankee Sailor, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Monday, Monday… Every other day…..

…every other day,
Every other day of the week is fine, yeah…


Meanwhile, gratefully taking a break from Monday (and a break from Dhimmicraps, Repugnican’ts and other evils) to jot a post.

A cardinal principle to remember when purchasing anything: price is not cost. Sometimes (often, in fact), a lower price will mean a higher cost down the road. Sometimes, not all that far down the road.

Example: I haven’t mentioned before how much I despise a certain vintage* of eMachine “computers” have I?

Just a mild warning: if you happen to have allowed yourself to be sucked into buying one of the eMachine cheapo pieces of crap

1. Never trust ANY important data to one
2. Replace the power supply FIRST THING, as soon as you get it out of the box, before turning the *&%^#* thing on. Just sayin’
3. Get some real surge suppression between the thing and any electricity, cos the MOBOS aren’t much better than the power supplies.

Today, I had to tell another person who brought their eMachine to me that it’d cost about what it originally cost him simply to repair the thing… cos the cheapo power supply failed and tooik the motherboard out with it.

If you already have one of the things (shame on you for buying strictly on price!), back up your data and start putting money back to buy a new computer. Or build one from parts.**

*“certain vintage” to mean… darned near ALL of the *&%^#* things. *heh* Of course, this is only one guy’s opinion, but… based on at least some experience over the years.

**June micro-mini-project for America’s Third World County Central: build my first completely new computer in several years from parts. I’ve tended in recent years to take discards and upgrade them to make them useful for my personal use. Nice computers, but I need to do some consolidating, streamlining of my office: just too many boxes and monitors jamming things up. So, my next computer is just awaiting assembly time.

AM2 motherboard (choice is now down to one of two).
Athlon 64X2 (dual core) 5600+ (nice sweet spot)
4GB Crucial memory (my preferred brand)
500GB Seagate HDD
Plextor DVDRW
512MB PCIex vidcard
Nice steel case and good (but not best, which would be PC Power and Cooling) 500W power supply

And a few other goodies, including an external Seagate to match my onboard storage.

To run the thing: testing out several flavors of Linux this month to see which I prefer. So far, even with stiff competition from Linux Mint and PCLOS, Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron is still looking pretty good to me. Run the 64-bit version on the 64-bit Athlon based comp; VirtualBox (or VMWare–still testing these) to allow running Win98 (for my music transcription software), WinXP and maybe even PCBSD 1.5 in virtual machines inside the Linux OS.

That’d give me most of the computers I really need to run right there in one box, without the need to use the clumsy KVM switch I now use for several boxes.

Heck, maybe I’ll even switch out my 61-key MIDI keyboard for a smaller controller so I can save even more desktop space to spread my other mess out on. *heh* I like this one (even though I have this one sitting in a box somewhere *heh*)

Well, back to the salt mines.

Riiiiiight… (Cue Moody Blues: “Lazy day… “)

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A Quote for a Friday

Well, this quote won’t be exact, because I’m substituting one word. Another “light reading” book (I must go through four or five of those a week or be stupified by my other reading *heh*), Hell’s gate, by David Weber and Linda Evans.

“[English] doesn’t borrow from other languages. It follows other languages down dark alleys, knocks them on the head, and goes through their pockets for loose grammar.”

And that’s one reason I love the rapscallion language. And a reason why it’s the ONLY language worthy of being the official tongue of Americans. *heh* Well, at least of the Americans that once made this “the land of the free and the home of the brave.”

As another Voice once said,

“In the first place we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the man’s becoming in very fact an American, and nothing but an American…There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn’t an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag, and this excludes the red flag, which symbolizes all wars against liberty and civilization, just as much as it excludes any foreign flag of a nation to which we are hostile…We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language…and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.”

Theodore Roosevelt 1907

Yes, I added the emphasis. And I mean it.