T-13, 2.X: To-Do List

“2.X” cos I’ve lost track of where I am in this thing… 🙂

Today could be a lazy day. No clients to see and cool, overcast: lay back and nap weather.
Or, I could

1. Move some volunteer flowers (bluebells and daffodils)

2. Spring tuneup on the lawn mower

3. Mow the lawn

4. Clean up/out the flower beds

5. Saw some deadfalls into usable/disposable chunks

6. Move a (very) small tree (another volunteer)

7. Change the oil in my car

8. Do some maintenance on the gear shift linkage

9. Do laundry

10. Do some more laundry (yeh, kinda let it pile up while my Wonder Woman was at a librarians’ conference–my bad, my to-do)

11. Walk the dogs

12. (Rest, watch my latest beer wort bubble away, check my pulse–yep, still alive)

13. Clean out the Augean Stable (my office)

That is, of course, if I don’t just take a long nap… Anywho, if you see nothing else here @twc today, you’ll know I’m either on my to-do list or… napping.


TPed to the Thursday Thirteen Hub