An always timely reminder


I’m just a tad paranoid about network security. Hardware firewall. Software firewalls on each computer. Up to date anti-virus/anti-spyware, etc., softwares. Strong passwords. Highest level wireless encryption compatible with all my devices (pretty high, lemme tell ya–I’ll just let you guess :-)), etc.

In my inbox today:

Did you Change the Password?

The article’s a short and sweet reminder to change default passwords on equipment you purchase, such as routers, firewalls, etc. I simply do not know how many times I’ve made a service call and discovered as a matter of course that the client has such a device with the default user/password combo still unchanged.


Can you say, screen door on a submarine?

BTW, my last wireless router default UN/PW combo was admin/admin. How hard is that to crack?

Just do it. Don’t buy a piece of hardware that has a default password and just leave it that way. Getcherself off your lazy butt and change the password. No, don’t use your birthday, your mother’s maiden name or your pet’s name. *sheesh!* Get real.

BTW, let me give you a hint how to crack some of my passwords. Some of my passwords are based on the technical names of specific mountains. I simply misspell them in various ways, as well as mixing cases in a semi-random fashion. There. That should get you started cracking those passwords.

Oh, what does that family of passwords go to? That’s your second level exercise, cos I’m not saying.


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