Respecting Islam

Some people with poor reading and reasoning skills might assume from my previous comments on the subject of Islam that I do not respect Islam or Muslims. Silly. I very much respect Islam and Muslims, just as I would respect a pack of rabid dogs.

(Quick aside: anyone accusing me in comments of Islamophobia or racism will be banned as too stupid for words. Islam is not a “race” [update, for the idiot who missed the point: “Muslim” is not a race either] and a phobia is an irrational fear. Besides, “fear” isn’t the word to describe the feelings that result from a rational examination of Islam. Disgust, disdain, revulsion: those are good words to describe rational reactions to Islam.)

Here’s a YouTube video found at The Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler, that almost captures a completely rational response to Islam. “Almost” because the commenter makes the multi-culti mistake of assuming there are such things as “moderate Muslims” when such a term is a self-contradiction. (Read the damned Koran before you argue against that remark. And yes, I used the word “damned” in its non-profane, theological sense.)

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