Obama Supporters Fans of Terrorist?

Yep. It’s so.

Check out this YouTube video of a report from the Houston Fox affiliate. Look at the banner flag behind the woman sitting at a desk in an Obama campaign office. Recognize the icon of leftist terrorism?

Nothing was said in the bland Fox affiliate report about an Obama campaign office prominently displaying a fan-banner featuring Che, but it’s there and should be noted: Obama supporters–at least in Houston–are fans of leftist terrorism and Obama doesn’t give a damn.

And neither does the Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind.

(Yeh, yeh, I know this is all over the place, although I’ve not read the posts at lgf, Captain’s Quarters and all. I stumbled across this at Chaos Manor, generally the most reliable place I know for solid info/discourse.)

Update: See this Newsbusters article for more information on Maria Isabel, the person who is apparently responsible for the Cuban flag with Che’s face superimposed on it displayed in the Obama campaign ofice in Houston. A real piece of work is Maria Isabel. *heh* Don’t miss the YouTube video linked at the site, either. Woo-hoo! We have a live loon here! Yeh, and the Obama camp is still weenie-ing around about this… tepid “Oh my!”s and such like. *pfui* Weenies.

Trackposted to Right Truth, The World According to Carl, The Pink Flamingo, Oblogatory Anecdotes, Big Dog’s Weblog, Wolf Pangloss, Adeline and Hazel, Right Voices, Stageleft, and Pursuing Holiness, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.