Why, they could almost be stupid enough to be congresscritters…

“MPs investigate Catholic influence on schools”

Why! The effrontery of those Catholics! Trying to influence schools! Oh, wait,

A Commons select committee is to investigate evidence that the Roman Catholic Church is pursuing a more fundamentalist approach towards religion in its schools. [emphasis added]

British Parliament. Trying to be as stupid as the American Congress. Making it, in this case. Perhaps, Son & Heir suggested, they should investigate the influence of Parliament on government schools…

Dumbasses. They keep this up the dumbass American electorate will be drafting them to be congresscritters. Can’t let the Limeys have the talented dumbass politicians *spit*, now can we?

h.t. Harry Irwin’s Letter from England, Chaos Manor Mail

RCOB-health tip

“RCOB”–“red curtain of blood”–is a term I was first exposed to by Kim duToit referring to a spike in BP (near berserker rage? :-)) usually brought about by exposure to obscene assaults on liberty by statist goons (mostly leftist statist goons, to be sure).

I’ve been trying to avoid confronting such things for the past month or so.

But, there are other things that can bring the RCOB about that are even less pleasant in some ways. This monster cold I’ve been fighting has robbed me of much sleep and exacerbated my tinnitus, a sure sign that my BP has been negatively affected as well. This a.m., upon waking, the ringing in my ears was a shapr “pinging” such that with every step or movement, a sharp stab of sound was impinging on my hearing.

Not good. Sure enough, BP was stratospheric.

Took a page from relaxation techniques of years gone by: slow breathing for about 15 minutes. By “slow breathing” I mean just under two full breaths per minute.

Sure enough, by the end of 15 minutes, I was back down into prehypertension range on the systolic and normal range (OK, high normal) on the diastolic.

Most folks may only be able to handle going as low as 6-7 breaths per minute, but the next time you feel a RCOB moment coming on, try concentrating on your breathing for a minute.

I may have to do that for about 15 minutes an hour come Fall, though, if things like this keep going on…

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The Bells

I used to feature a Rudyard Kipling Tuesday at twc. I might just reinstitute that, but today’s a Wednesday and “Wednesday’s child is full of woe” and so I thought of Edgar Allen Poe. Well, actually, since the onset of ths Monster Winter Cold (the worst in living memory–mine, at least) a week and a half ago, my tinnitus has been so loud and fierce, I thought me of Poe’s,

The Bells

Hear the sledges with the bells –
Silver bells!
What a world of merriment their melody foretells!
How they tinkle, tinkle, tinkle,
In the icy air of night!
While the stars that oversprinkle
All the heavens seem to twinkle
With a crystalline delight;
Keeping time, time, time,
In a sort of Runic rhyme,
To the tintinnabulation that so musically wells
From the bells, bells, bells, bells,
Bells, bells, bells –
From the jingling and the tinkling of the bells.


Continue reading “The Bells”

Reason to Not Vote At All?

Or, “God speaks out against democracy”–*LOL*

Carl has posted what may be a compelling reason to avoid going to the polls at all come Fall.

Think about it.


“He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.” (Proverbs 13:20)

Hmmm, you think the Founders had a reason or three to avoid making the U.S. a democracy? (Yes, they did.)

Vista-like Drive Icons in Win32

Trackposted to Leaning Straight Up, Dumb Ox Daily News, Conservative Cat, and Right Truth, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Making computers more friendly, one post at a time… *heh*

Interesting lil app posted at TechRepublic

Vista Drive Icon is a free utility that will transform the drive icons in Windows XP’s My Computer into drive icons that resemble those in Vista’s Computer. Once installed, Vista Drive Icon will display a blue, glass-like bar underneath the drive icon. If the drive is close to getting full, the color changes to red.

Now, that lil piece of eye candy might not seem like a big deal, but most of the follow-on comments from people who are IT Pros (read, “techie snobs” for the most part) sound like your common, garden variety Mac users: “Do it MY way and you don’t need this” kind of comments.


Continue reading “Vista-like Drive Icons in Win32”

DUI… sorta

Driving under the influence… of cough syrup and the Founders.

Made for an interesting mini-confrontation with a cop who had NO idea what the First Amendment guarantees. (Hint: criticizing government, government officials, petty bureaucrats, etc., is specifically the point of “Free Speech”.)

Apparently, when I went out for an errand last night, while my headlights and all other normal nighttime safety freatures were working, my tail lights were not.

Stopped. Fine. Appreciated the information (no tail lights at night can tempt some idiot driving beyond HIS headlights to run up my butt). Told ’em so, warmly.

Apparently, though, two heavily-armed LEOs felt “threatened” when I offered to check my tail lights to see if there were a loose primary and to check my fuse box (under the hood). Oooo! He wants to Get Out Of The Car!

For THEIR “safety” (remember: two armed officers, one Olde Pharte) I was “instructed” (with a grab and push on my door) to stay inside.

Told the one with his own ZIP code he was acting like a portion of his anatomy he beggared a third world country to cover and… he threatened to cite me for “interfering with a police officer in the course of his duty.”

“Why, officer?”

“Because you called me a _______.”

“Liar. I did no such thing and I’ll demonstrate it.” (Quoted back to him my exact words which did no such thing. Of course, I did specifically say he was acting that way.) He huffed off. Came back. Told me to go ahead and check my tail lights if I wanted to. I demurred with, “No thank you officer. I don’t want you to feel threatened.”

Partner came back and told me no ticket, just get ’em fixed. Offered to hold a light for me while I checked in back. Again, I demurred. Armed thugs (OK, maybe only one was) LEOs behind me in the dark. Right. I like that option.

I know there are police officers who aren’t full of themselves to the point that being criticized for acting like an ass doesn’t set them off, but frankly, I think the profession draws way, way too many petty tyrants who are too full of themselves for any good. Sure, maybe the cough syrup loosened my tongue a tad, but that makes not one single solitary difference: playing the petty tyrant card to attempt shutting me up when he didn’t like what I observed and opined about his behavior revealed that cop as an ass.

Not just acting like one.

Sam Adams woulda shoved him on his big fat Pillsbury Doughboy.

And Jefferson and the other guys woulda held Sam’s coat.

Me? I just refused to take his B.S.

mini-micro-update: was a bad tail light blowing a fuse. Not burned out tail light: base was loose causing increased impedence.

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Another “Dog Bites Man” Yawner

You’d think we’d learn our lesson: there is nothing newsworthy in a Dhimmicrappic candidate consorting with terrorists, enemies of the people, criminals, whatnot. No, such behavior is only “newsworthy” if it is committed by a Repugnican’t candidate.

So it is No News At All that the Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind is almost completely ignoring the fact that close associates of B. Hussein Obama-Winfrey are still quite proud of their bomb-setting days in the Weather Underground.

I’m shocked. Shocked, I say. It should not be so! Why isn’t this news being trumpeted abroad by the Communist Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind? These terrorists were (are) heros to the Podpeople from the Mothership orbiting Uranus… You’d think they’d want to bring forth that such heroes of the people *cough* are close associates of B. Hussein Obama-Winfrey!

Nope. Not news. It’s such a natural order of events that it’s one big yawner to the Mass Media Podpeople’s Hivemind.

(Oh, for those of y’all who think that it ought to be reported as news news–you know, of importance for the electorate in general to know that B. Hussein Obama-Winfrey is close associates with terrorists–you just need to get a life. That’s not the twisted way the Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind works… It’s muuuuuch more twisted than even this twisted presentation of it. “News? What news?” )

h.t., Obama’s Terrorist Friends, STACLU.

Trackposted to A Blog For All, WayWard Fundamentalist Christian, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, Right Truth, The Pink Flamingo, Oblogatory Anecdotes, Cao’s Blog, Pursuing Holiness, and Chuck’s Place, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

BoXCutteR and a Kooran..Nifty.

by: Angel
Crossposted at: Woman Honor Thyself

A security officer at Tampa International Airport found a box cutter hidden in a hollowed-out book on Sunday.
TIA Passenger Had Box Cutter In Hollowed-Out Book

Officers found books in the backpack titled “Muh-ammad in the Bible,” “The Prop-het’s Prayer” and “The Noble Qu-r’an.” He also had a copy of the Q-uran and the Bible.
Bai-nes pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 30 days in jail……

Here’s the daily “Home boy tries to become a terrorist” story y’all.

30 days in the slammer?
30 years should have been more like it.

Does someone need a memory pill perhaps?

Ah yes , the Ko-ran.

You know the book with the lovely passages regarding D-ar-al-Izlam vs. a D-ar-al-Ha-rb, the book that’s opposed to women’s rights, and insists on the beheading of in-fidels. Yea. That’s the one he was toting.

The one that insists at the end of a sword for the dhim-mitude or murder of all non-Muzlims.

The one that includes torturous, barbaric, tribalist punishments..such as amputations and stonings for criminal and even non-criminal acts, like a girl leaving her house without a male’s permission.

Meanwhile ..back in the real world………..
Muzlims, busy quoting their Kor-an, blew up a train in Spain, attacked buses and trains in London, and set up massive bombs in Bangladesh.

They beheaded and burned civilians in Thailand, bombed a night club in Bali and burned 202 people to death.

Muzlims carry out suicide attacks in Israelis almost daily, routinely bury IEDs, which kill American Marines while hiding behind their “covered from head to toe” women, and “brainwashed from birth” children.

Does this ring any bells?
The attack on the U.S.S. Cole
The first attack on the WTC

Izlamists, who are forever quoting that innocuous book the Qur-ran, have terrorist cells in 60 countries

Americans were attacked and burned alive on 9/11 by lzlamists quoting from the ..you guess it. – Qu-ran.

The bombings of the embassys in Kenya and Tanzania
Female Ge-nital mutilation, torture, amputation, hangings
Must we go on?

The good ole Shoebomber, thanks to whom we now have to remove our shoes, boots, sandals every dang time we go to Florida to visit parents.

The Beheading of Daniel Pearl

Sounding any alarms yet?

London bombing
Spain bombing
The bombing of Khobar towers
Israel on the front line- daily hit with Kassam rockets
The slaughter of 300 schoolchildren in Beslan, Russia

Punishments including amputation, stoning, beheading, and burning have been banned worldwide as inhumane, but guess what friends………. they are routinely carried out in Izzlamic countries. Routinely.
Bbbut but but what about all the (alleged) “Moderate” Muzlims?, you ask.

Instead of helping to solve the problem of IzlamoNazism, the mythical “moderate” Muzlims go around trying to get profiling stopped.
Guess what dudes? Profiling should only stop only when the next bomb that goes off doesn’t have a Muzlim behind it shouting Allllaaaaaaaaaaa Akkkkkkbar.

I used to think all this tolerance toward the Muzlim grievance Theatre, with their suing and daily whining was a testament to the undying willingness of Americans to try to be fair and just. Now I see it is as nothing short of fear, cowardice and dhi-mmitude.

We strip-search Irish grandmothers, and willingly remove our shoes at the airport in a pathetic attempt to prove that we are not “profiling”.

CA-IR and their terrorist friends use our US civil codes to protect their filthy hate speech and incitement to war and violence that goes on in Eurpopean as well as US mosques.

They try to strongarm our government and sue our businesses into “accomodating” their every whim and giving them “special treatment” that Christian, Jew, Zorastrian, Hindu, Jain, Confucian or Buddhist would be blasted by the ACLU for.

That’s not called equality.It’s called intimidation.

Instead of the so called “moderates” rallying and standing up against terrorism, they do nothing but try to manipulate the American people into stifling our own freedom of speech and way of life because “they feel insulted.”

Every single Muzlim country, (based on that book again..you know..the Koooooran) including Pakistan, Sawwdi Arabia, and Iran violate every international human rights agreement in the world including the treatment of women and children.
Women who are raped in Muzlim countries are stoned to death for adultery. And yes, this is the 21st century my friends.

And now this rapper and terrorist wanna be tries to sneak a boxcutter in a book, along with his tales of Muuuhamad and his Koooran……….and gets a slap on the wrist by our very courts.

Several sheets of paper in the backpack included rap lyrics that referred to police, narcotics, weapons and killing. Ba-ines told officers he is a rapper who writes his own lyrics and that rap music writers need to “play the part,” the report states.

Sure. Let him off easy.
Maybe he’ll compose a masterpiece rap joint bout the bomb-belts Pale-stinians place as toys around the waists of their precious, lil, Muzlim toddlers in the Gaza Strip to rip the limbs off innocent Israeli children.

Why do Muzlims and dudes like this boxcutter superstar do what they do?
Because they can get away with it.

Change is good?

We have all heard the mantra, “Change is good,” and probably let it pass with a polite nod, all the time knowing that it is simply a verbal plastering over, an attempt to make palatable the truth underlying the lie: “Change is inevitable.”

Let me prove to you that “Change is good” is a lie.

Ask your parents or grandparents (or if you’re old enough, yourself *heh*) whether the physical change from a vital, active healthy 25-year-old body to a vital, active, arthritic, as-healthy-as-can-be-expected 65-year-old body is a good thing.

How about a change from $1.00/gallon gasoline to $3.00/gallon gasoline? For most folks, the change hasn’t been a Good Thing.

How about the change that occurs when a hurricane or tornado sweeps through your home?

What about the change you might experience when a dumbass driver thinks he can make it through a red light and t-bones your car?

Good things? Oh, with effort and with careful thought (and sometimes lots of outside help from friends, family, healthcare providers, etc.), we can make silk purses from sows’ ears, but does that make the change events good?


Think about that the next time you hear B. Hussein Obama-Winfrey or his wife, Michelle “…for the first time in my adult life, I’m proud of America” Obama declaim for change.

What kind of change?

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I’m not Madeline Kahn…

…but if my voice weren’t in the crapper right noe (and if I had the energy), I’d sing a verse or so of “I’m Tired” just to clue you in on why the posting’s so sparse at twc recently. (The link’s for those who didn’t get the reference. :-)) Of course, I’m tired for reasons other than those sung av=bout by “Lily von Stupp”. *heh*

While I’m under the weather, go to Freedom Folks for some timely info on guarding our borders.

And of course, you knew it was in the works: House Democratic Leaders Proposing Secret Backroom Amnesty Deal! Just up Juan MexiCain’s alley… CLICK the link to send a fax to your congresscritter.

Then drop by Stop the ACLU for this small piece of good news in the GWOT (for readers not yet clued in, that’s “Global War on TerrorISM” at twc, cos I view terror as a very, very useful emotion… in ones enemies *heh*). Who’d-a thunk it? The Supreme Commies rule something sensibly? Even a blind pig and all that…

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